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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Business of Sugar Bit


July 25, 2014

Back when I began envisioning opening my own business, of course I daydreamed about being able to go to market, shop away, sell the merchandise instantly, and then call it a day…yeah, that’s not really how this entire running your own business thing goes I assure you. I do believe I remember Jeff telling me that, and I should have payed closer attention.
For the most part, I try to keep my business details separate from the personal stuff, but there are times when they absolutely cross paths and this is a big part of our lives now so it’s fun to update you on where we’re at, the progress we’re making, and I’m so excited to see what the future holds for my beloved Sugar Bit.

First of all, let me be honest and say that running your own business is a lot more challenging than I ever expected…it’s hard because the owner (i.e. me) does it all, and I mean ALL of it. I do the accounting (oh Quickbooks and I were enemies at first, but we’re slowly starting to figure each other out), the inventory, the taking of the pictures, the packaging, invoicing and shipping, the social media, the email newsletters, the responding to customer’s emails/inquiries/issues/etc…let me tell you, it’s a 24/7 effort, but when you’re doing something you love, it truly doesn’t feel like work and that is how I know I am doing what I always dreamed of.

Some would say it must be nice working from home, and yes it definitely has its perks, but then there are times when the girls are playing and I want to be playing with them too, or when they head to the park and I am getting anxious because I want to be the one going down the slide with them…and sometimes, I have to admit, I do cut out early, sneak away, and do those things and then finish my business stuff once they are asleep at night. They are only young once, so investing the time in these amazing little details is something I absolutely intend to keep doing…this is when I am thankful so much of my work can be completed after hours.

On the other hand, the retail clothing business is fun and I love it! I love when the UPS man shows up on our doorstep with new inventory and I get excited just thinking about what’s to come and being able to unveil our new goodies to the public. Last month, I sent out a survey to customers, friends, and colleagues to gauge their opinions and interests and it was refreshing to see so many honest answers…good for helping us get even better and serving more people in a friendly, fast way. Then there is the competitive aspect when I have to make sure to stay up-to-date on what others are doing, offering, giving away, and featuring because in the world of online sales, you’re never closed and competition is around the world, not just around the corner.
Next Thursday, we have our first End of Season/Clearance Sale and I am so nervous/anxious/scared…like I could get sick just thinking about it. You know when you put yourself out there and you fear no one will come or no one will support you? Yeah, I have anxiety about these types of things and I scare myself into acting like a crazy person. That’s when I have to take a deep breath, give my worries to the Big Guy up above, and hope for the best. So if you don’t mind, cross your fingers for me and hope this event is a success…thank you all so much for listening to me blabber today, and as always, I am here to answer any and all questions you have.

  1. Meredith says:

    I wish this sale was online, you have some adorable things in your shop.

  2. Anything I've bought from sugar bit has been adored by everyone. I've passed on your site to friends and family. I only wish I was local bc there is a certain ice cream outfit I've been eyeing for a new baby in my circle. You are doing wonderfully.

  3. You're doing an amazing job and I'm so impressed that you have started this business all by yourself! Keep up the hard work and enjoy doing what you love 🙂

  4. Ashley says:

    Oh girl, If I were in TN I would be there in a heartbeat!

  5. Dawn says:

    LOVE Sugarbit, as you know and am so happy for you and your business venture! You provide your customers with excellent merchandise and awesome customer service!! 🙂 I SO wish that I was going to be in Nashville for the sale! But I'll keep up with sales online…and I'm sure that I'll be stocking up for the fall! 🙂 PS-the Cookies and Milk pjs inspired Lily Caroline's 2nd birthday-Cookies and Milk Pj party!! I can't wait!!

  6. Nat says:

    You're doing such a good job girl!! Running your own business is tough, especially one online that never closes and you have little ones that need your attention. Good luck with the final clearance sale next week!

  7. Kristy says:

    You are doing an amazing job! Amazing! 🙂

  8. E Hayes says:

    I love that you are sharing details, it can't be easy and it's so admirable and inspiring that you took something like this on. Plus I love the "keeping it real" posts that show bloggers lives aren't all the rainbows and unicorns we like to show 🙂 Good luck at your sale!

  9. Sugar Bit has A-DOR-able clothes for littles…your sale will most definitely be a success!

  10. Running a business is HARD! Let me know if you ever want to chat about it! We are in year 4…just stick with it! The first couple years are the hardest, but just keep going!

  11. You're amazing!!! I will definitely need to invest in some new things once we know the sex of this baby! 😉

  12. rachel says:

    You are amazing lady! Sugarbit is just the best and so are you. SO bummed to be leaving town on a 6am flight Thursday or I would be there knocking the door down at 3:59pm! 😉 Hate to miss such fabulous deals!

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