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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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A Little Five on Friday Action


August 22, 2014

One. The One and Only
Any other Emily Giffin lovers out there? I have been a faithful reader of her chick lit books for years and I just got finished with her latest and greatest…honestly, I had heard mixed reviews before I dove in to see for myself, and I was pleasantly surprised-it was a lot different than most of her other books and it was a fast read. Looking for something totally fiction with a story to get you hooked fairly quickly? This was a winner for me. Next up, The Husband’s Secret…I’ve heard awesome things about this one, too.

Two. Photog in Training
I’m fairly certain Caroline is less than impressed with my picture-taking skills as of late, so she has decided she would like to learn to shoot…who knows, anyone has to be better than me at this. Here is her first “shot”…lol. She must be going for the off-set aim and shoot method. 

Three. Getting Ready for MDO
I can’t say enough thanks to so many of you who reached out to offer some kind sentiments about our transition back into Mother’s Day Out last week…it truly meant a lot, as I know so many of you are in the same boat as we are, and the whole process can be overwhelming for all of us. We are slowly but surely getting into the groove of being on a normal schedule again and things are going well for the babies! I forgot to post our first day “looks” on here, and wanted to make sure I had blogged about it for future reference for myself.

 yes, everything coordinated and monogrammed is essential
 yeah…someone wasn’t wanting to smile that day

Four. Never Failing Love
I need to remember this…always. Hoping this sheds some light to one of you out there today, too!

Five. Fall Looks I’m Loving 
Cooler temps must be coming our way soon!! I’m over the hot, humid summertime sauna game we’ve been playing so I’ve been pinning some sweet fall looks, which seem to be easy to pull off with layers and some good basics that I already have in my closet. I’m most looking forward to sporting scarves and boots and sipping on Pumpkin Spice Lattes…when does the countdown start?? You can follow me on Pinterest here. 

Cheers to the weekend lovelies!! Carson, Auntie Meg, and I are leaving bright and early for Knoxville tomorrow morning to go shower Jules’ baby Grace with some goodies for her upcoming arrival…girls trip with baby #2 in tow-wish us luck. Have a great one friends.

  1. so…obviously i can't wait for your friday link-up to come back…but should you want to link your post we would love to have you! http://farmerbell.blogspot.com

  2. Jenn says:

    I looooove the bright yellow shirt!
    You'll like The Husband's Secret! And if you do, you should read the other books by Liane Moriarty. I've read all but two (with reviews of them on my blog) and I've really liked them all.

  3. The girls look so cute in their matching outfits!! & I love their backpacks!! Have a great weekend!!

  4. Jillian says:

    loving those fall outfits! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  5. Jess Scott says:

    You are the most adorable mom ever!! Matching everything! It makes me want two girls (or just two kids – I'll make them match!) Have such a fun weekend!!

  6. Love Emily Giffin! Will def have to check this out. And I LOVE your girls book bags and lunch bags! Do you mind sharing where you got them?!

  7. Where are their adorable bags from???

  8. Oh my gosh those monogrammed seersucker backpacks are adorable!! I can't wait to buy things like that for our little one!! I was hoping to start that book soon, I just finished Husband's Secret. I thought it was slow at first but I enjoyed it by the end!

  9. The girls look adorable!! Ill have to go back and look at your post from last week on starting MDO!! My son is 14 months and starting next week and I'm so excited anxious and nervous all at the same time!!!!

  10. Becky M says:

    The pics of your little one are just too adorable for words!!


  11. Your girls are darling!! Love their matching monogrammed things. I'm also ready for cooler temps and wearing layers.

  12. Carroll says:

    Thanks for the book review! I've been wanting to read this one. 🙂 Also, your girls first day of MDO outfits are adorable as are their matching monogrammed accessories! Hope y'all have a great weekend. 🙂

  13. Colleen says:

    I was so disappointed by "The One and Only" so I reread my other EG faves from the beginning and fell in love again. Fingers crossed that her next book is more my style. And Liane Moriarty is such a talent! You'll love "The Husband's Secret" and you should definitely check out her other books!

  14. Karra says:

    That song is my JAM right now.. love it so much and those fall looks are perfect!!

  15. I read one of her books when I was in high school and haven't read anymore. I have been searching for someone else to start reading since Nicholas Sparks only publishes books like once a year and I have already read all of his (some twice!) I am currently reading It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han and I am really liking it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Those MDO pictures are precious. I love all the matching!! Please come style my mini ;)!

  17. Lea says:

    You and your girlies are just the cutest for sure! Wishing you a happy weekend and I'm so over summer and so ready for fall!

  18. Rachel Emily says:

    I absolutely LOVED The One and Only. Those dresses on the girls are adorable!

  19. Kelly says:

    I simply die over those little pink and green seersucker monogrammed backpacks and lunch boxes! Please, Lord, give me daughters!

  20. Meredith says:

    Where did you find the backpacks and lunchboxes? I think I'm going to have to get Millie a bigger bag. Thanks

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