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Boon…Baby and Toddler Bathtime Goodies


August 21, 2014

Babies get dirty, and if yours are anything like mine, baths are a necessary evil to combat the playground dirt, messy after-dinner leftovers, and all the other things you always said “oh not with my baby”…yeah right. today, I’m partnering with my friends at Boon to tell you all about some of their newest bath toys available now.
Taking a bath is always a spectacle at our house with two babies who love to splash water, swim like mermaids, and throw everything out of the tub (so fun for mom, too). Boon was kind enough to send us some of their innovative bath toys, and we can’t get enough of them…they are bright and colorful (so the girls love them), modern and stylish (so they actually look “cool”), and they keep my minis entertained until their fingers start to resemble prunes (which means bath time is sadly over).
We tested out the following items:
RAY Drain Cover: The BEST stopper, hands down. I was leery at first, but was pleasantly surprised to see that it was easy to use, and totally worked to make for happy bath timers. It’s soft to the touch, too! You can find it for $8.99 at BuyBuyBaby, too.
ODD DUCKS: Not the average rubbery ducky, my friends…they have names: meet Slim, Bob, Jane, and Squish! My favorite selling point was that they don’t hold water so no more moldy ducks (and yes, we have had our fair share of those!). You can buy the 4-pack for $24.99 at Amazon and BuyBuyBaby.
LINKS 3D Foam Bath Pieces: These are great for not only play, but learning while we bathe too…double duty! These 3D puzzles are great for problem solving/motor skill development, and they fit together to make five sea creatures. Online at Amazon and BuyBuyBaby for $9.99.
PIECES Foam Bath Puzzle: They stick to the bathroom wall…need I say more?? And they are mold/mildew resistant…yes! made for toddlers and seem to help us get the hair washing component of bath time completed without tears…thank heavens! Available online at Amazon and BuyBuyBaby for $9.99

lining up the ducks for their daily bath time march 
 tons of toys make for two content participants

In addition, I wanted to make sure I mentioned an INCREDIBLE giveaway Boon has going on right now. They are hosting the “BringOnBaby” giveaway in partnership with 10 other big baby brands (JJ Cole, The First Years, and many more), which includes more than $3,000 worth of baby essentials for new parents. You can enter now HERE. **Sweepstakes ends September 3, 2014 so make sure to register now!

  1. Oh I love Boon and all of their adorable toys! I definitely need a refresh for Ethan in the tub…must check these out!

  2. Ashley says:

    Boon has such a refreshing style, I love how unique their items are!

  3. you discovered your blog and your babies are adorable! we love boon at our house (i don't know if i'd survive without their lawn drying rack)…that sting ray is genius i'm going to have to pick one up!!

  4. I think I might need to invest in some duckies that don't take on water!

  5. Jess Scott says:

    I love Boon…for some reason, I tried not to for awhile, but I keep coming back! I will have to check out some of these goodies!! I haven't seen them all before! Happy Weekend!

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