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Mother’s Day Out…Back to the Daily Grind


August 14, 2014

I’m a bit emotional today…I just dropped off BOTH of my sweet babies at their first full day of Mother’s Day Out. Last year, it was just Caroline that I had to say goodbye to, and Carson joined in the fun this year, which will be SO good for her, but makes me a bit sad at the same time. How are they 29 months and 14 months old already? Sometimes I can’t handle it when I think of them getting bigger, growing up, and doing “toddler” activities more and more.

This was us prior to going to “Meet the Teacher” day at our MDO program and truth be told, I was a hot mess thinking the girls would be scared/shy/apprehensive, but low and behold, they surprised me (just as they do all the time) and calmed my fears by their excitement and independence once we were in their classrooms. 
My wild woman (AKA Carson) has me on edge as we have been dealing with major bouts of separation anxiety lately and I am nervous about how she will do in this brand new environment. I know once we get into a routine, it will become second nature and she will love her teachers just like CC did last year, but I am being honest with myself in knowing there will probably be some tears shed these first few weeks and this new transition will take time for all of us to adjust to. 
On the other hand, Caroline was her natural sweet self when she went into the two year old class and started playing with all the toys, books, and other fun goodies. Of course she was disappointed when it was time to say our goodbyes and said “momma, I stay at skewl”…I think she will be just fine. 🙂

I know Mother’s Day Out programs aren’t as common in some areas, but in and around Nashville (and other southern cities for the most part) it’s a fantastic way for children to interact with others their age, learn in a classroom setting, conquer other necessary abilities (potty training outside the home, learning social skills, mastering the alphabet/numbers, etc), as well as letting moms have some time out time for themselves, too (although this will help me make the most of my workdays).
So say a little prayer for us today if you don’t mind. At first I was thinking it would be for the girls, but now I think this mama could use a little lifting up, too…”the days are long, but the years are short”.

Now I think I will go lock myself in my office, have a good cry, and then manage to get some much needed work done…and will be counting down the hours until pick-up at 2pm.

  1. Hope everything goes well, mama xx

  2. I am sure they will love it!! Enjoy some 'me' time! It is so good for our kiddos to interact with others, but it is also good for us moms to have some time alone!!!!

  3. Jessica says:

    My little man (who is also 14 months, just like Carson!) started our Mother's Morning Out program on Tuesday. Today is his second day. He does 2 days a week from 9-12. I know it will be good for him – he needs the peer interaction – but it's been hard. Major separation anxiety over here, too. Crying both days so far. Breaks my heart! So, I feel for you, Mama! We can do this:)

  4. Meredith says:

    I dropped Millie off this morning for her first day of her second year of MDO and she cried, cried, cried.. Bless her heart but at the same time it made me feel good, yes, good b/c I know she misses me. Happy Thursday!

  5. Ida Arias says:

    They are going to love every minute of it! I think siblings need time away from each other to do their own thing. Carson is going to do better than you think. Just watch! Have a good cry, but don't take too long because you don't want to miss a minute of this fun journey!!

  6. Aww stay strong momma!! Will be so good for all involved & I've heard great things about MDO like you mentioned. They'll be loving it in no time!! Will say a quick prayer your day goes quickly though!!

  7. rachel says:

    Awww! Your girls will be great, but yes, I'm sure you'll be ready for 2pm. 🙂 Thinking of you today sweet friend! We don't start back until next month. I'm beyond ready right now 😉 but I'm sure I'll miss those crazy boys when I drop them off. Or maybe we just need to meet for a mamas only lunch!

  8. Jess Scott says:

    Oh my gosh, what a day!!! I am sure you will be ready to squeeze them when you pick them up, but I am sure they are having a blast!!! I always hate dropping Cam off, but when I see pictures and get reports, I see that he does just fine without me! I can't wait to hear a report of how their days are!!

  9. Campbell started Mothers Day Out last week! It's so bitter sweet, prayers for Happy Babies and Mommas! : )

  10. Awww love this post! I live in WA and I've never heard of Mothers Day Out! Going to have to do some research, sounds amazing for mama and kids! http://www.chasingdreamsandcatchinglife.blogspot.com

  11. Katie says:

    awww! I so wish we had MDO up here in New England!

  12. Sarah says:

    I hope they have a great day and you enjoy your time too! I just dropped off my 4th grader and 1st grader at their first day of school. They aren't lying when they say time flys! I don't know how that happened!

  13. Karra says:

    I actually post-poned Rae going to MDO because I couldn't handle it yet haha.. we start in Oct now!

  14. Aww how sad! I used to cry every time we drove off from my daughter's daycare. My daughter started 2nd grade this week and I'm just shocked at how well she's doing. They grow up so fast, but school is really so good for them.

    Be strong!

  15. I think the MDO programs sound great! I don't know of any in my area but they sound perfect for non-daycare kids.

  16. Amanda says:

    Hugs friend! xo

  17. Ashley Brown says:

    I have gone back and forth about doing mdo for my little, maybe next year!


  18. Alice S says:

    My daughter just started daycare 3 days a week and it was tougher on me than it was on my daughter! Hang in there mama! It really is good for them!! 🙂


  19. Lea says:

    Oh, there was a Mother's Day Out program when my grown kids were little. It was awesome for them and me and they both thrived while there. Hoping it all goes smooth as silk for you and the girls.

  20. I hope the first day went smoothly! My oldest starts 1st grade in a week and honesty I think I will cry more than when he started kindergarten. Why oh why do they have to grow up?!

  21. Hope your sweet girls are loving MDO. Grant loved his time at MDO, and is now officially a kindergartener, which makes this mama sad! We loved our MDO program, and looking forward for when my Caroline gets to start!

  22. Caroline says:

    Eli starts after Labor Day and I'm a nervous wreck.

  23. Nat says:

    I hope the girls are adjusting to MDO- they don't offer programs like that up in Maryland and it's so disappointing because I know my little guy would love the socialization! Such a great family photo of you four

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