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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Five on Friday…Coming Back with a BANG!


September 26, 2014

One. We’re BACK! You’ve been asking when we were coming back and we promised it would be soon…so we all talked it over and agreed we are ready and anxious to continue our Five on Friday tradition! We loved linking up with so many of you fabulous ladies each and every week and cannot wait to pick up right where we left off…love you April, Christina, and Darci! We will reconvene next Friday, October 3rd, so get your five best topics ready to share! As always, we can’t thank you enough for accepting us with open arms and we hope you’ll come back and do it again. πŸ™‚ #FiveonFriday
Two. Shop Til You Drop. I’ve been stocking up on a few new fall favorites these past weeks and I am so excited about how I’ve been shopping… more items that I simply LOVE and not just because I think I need it. I’ve been working with Amy of Tina Adams Wardrobe Consulting and we recently did my closet clean-out…SO many amazing tips and tricks I can’t wait to share with you next week! Here are a handful of the newbies I added to the wardrobe: 

Rubbish Army Jacket 

P.S. Target has tons of apparel items at Buy 1, Get 1 50% Off this week, too!! 
Pixie Pant (Only $25 this week, too!)

Three. My Little Home Office. We are quickly working on finishing all the details of my home office design and I cannot wait to get it done… our designer, Kendall Simmons, is one incredible lady and I love everything she has picked out! See inspiration below πŸ™‚ Yes, I am giddy with excitement that I am going to get to work in this sweet space everyday.

Four. Sugar Bit Brand Rep Search. We are on the lookout for some mighty cute minis to help show their Sugar Bit love! We posted on Instagram the other day on how to get in touch with us to enter or you can also fill out the brief survey HERE to be considered…so excited for this fun, new initiative for my little business. Also, check out select Fall Favorites that are 20% off right now, too. 
Five. Get Creative. Lately, I’ve been in a rut when it comes to blogging/social media/marketing/etc, and I am trying to think outside the box in brainstorming and coming up with fun and new ideas. I came across this infographic the other day (LOVE me some infographics) and it showed me that taking some small steps and changing out my routine may just be the swift kick I need to actually complete some outstanding projects. 
  1. Becky M says:

    I am loving that army jacket! It looks perfect for layering in the fall!


  2. Jess Scott says:

    Yay!! I am so glad you all are coming back!! It's not been the same without you. πŸ™‚ I cannot WAIT to see your office – I can already tell it's going to be perfect!! Happy Weekend!!

  3. yahhh bring back 5 on friday πŸ™‚ i love that coat! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  4. Wearing that popover today. I would love to work with someone on my fashion. I need a major closet overhaul!

  5. I'm so excited for 5 on Friday to be back in business next week!! I've got to get Brody in some Sugarbit ASAP!! I love that sports appliquΓ© outfit on sale right now. He would make the perfect little brand rep for your boys clothes πŸ™‚

  6. Loving your #5! I am saving this as a great reminder. Number 2 on that list truly does work! My husband gave me the idea to carry notebooks with me everywhere I go and it makes a HUGE difference. I have one notebook for inspiration and to log conversations I have with others on the phone/email/in person. I have a second notebook as a to-do list. They truly keep me on track. Hope you have a great weekend!! πŸ™‚ Kristen

  7. So glad to see you guys are coming back for 5 on Friday! Missed it! That Army jacket needs to get in my closet!

  8. Tawnya Faust says:

    So excited you ladies are returning!! Love five on Friday!! πŸ™‚

  9. Swoooooning over your office design. Um, YES!

  10. Can't wait to hear some tips for enhancing your wardrobe! I think I could absolutely use some professional help most of the time πŸ™‚

  11. Rachael says:

    This infographic is amazing – love the idea of reading a page from the dictionary. Seems like the perfect inspiration!

  12. Love the info graphic, what some great ideas! I seem to be in a rut myself, maybe this will help me out. πŸ™‚
    I can't wait to see pics of your office, I'm sure it will be gorgeous!

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