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Life Takes a Turn…Family Weekend Fun


September 23, 2014

Last Friday Jeff was involved in a car accident, as some of you my have seen via my Instagram post… granted, it wasn’t one where he was severely injured or anything like that, but it really got me thinking about our family mentality and the craziness at how quickly life can change.
It was Friday morning, I had gotten up with Carson, fixed us some breakfast, hugged and kissed Jeff, and sent him on his way to work…it was just like any normal morning for us.
Then about 30 minutes, he frantically called me telling me he had been involved in an accident downtown and of course I went into protective mama mode. I asked questions, made sure he was OK, and then asked if he had called the police…of course not bless his heart, he said instantly he only thought of me and wanted to hear my voice. That’s when I told him to call the cops and then call me back after they were on their way. Luckily, Alex had arrived to our house by that point, so I was able to throw on some clothes and immediately head downtown.
The other person involved had a few minor injuries so Jeff told him to take the ambulance instead and then once I got to him, we went to the ER, though he protested the entire time saying he was alright…sorry mister, no sir, he has back issues and he was complaining about some pain, so it was off to the hospital…better safe than sorry when it comes to that man of mine.
As we sat in the ER waiting to be seen, I sat there looking around, taking in all the other individuals scattered around and I couldn’t be more thankful… there were people there with significant injuries and illnesses, and a family who has just been told their father had died of a massive heart attack. Honestly, Jeff was lucky and the outcome could have been much worse.
In the end, he was banged up and bruised, and he took it a little slower than usual this weekend, but he is OK and I am thankful he walked away from a scary situation.
Hugging that man a little tighter these days, I promise you that.
And with that, we put some extracurricular activities on hold this weekend and made the most of it with a lazy weekend with the girls. It wasn’t anything fancy, but we ordered pizza, rented movies (12 Years a Slave was awesome!), baked some yummy fall apple goodness, played around the backyard, and then celebrated Pappy’s birthday with dinner last night. Sometimes, you have to say no to other things and put family time first…I will ALWAYS put family first. Amen.

you had a good run dear friend…jeff is so sad
 my little dolls all dressed up in their German frocks via Mimi and Pappy
 my little artist…and yes, we are playing outside in our jammies…judge all you want!
 We pushed them up and down the little “hill” in the back of our house for a good hour at their request…
CC likes to think she runs the show, but you see who is in the driver’s seat 🙂
  1. So glad to hear your hubby is doing okay, that is so scary. Glad you guys had a fun family weekend.

  2. Thank goodness Jeff was okay! It's things like this that definitely force you to slow down and savor those moments with family!!! Glad y'all were able to enjoy the weekend and soak up lots of snuggles!

  3. Glad to hear Jeff is doing well. I cannot believe how much older Carson looks in the picture with her German outfit!!! She looks like she has a lot more hair.

  4. BLovedBoston says:

    So happy to hear that Jeff is doing well and not injured!! The last pictures is seriously too cute for words!!

  5. So glad Jeff is ok!! Perfect weekend after that start on Friday!!

  6. Ann Wolfe says:

    So happy to hear Jeff was okay…definitely gives you time to reflect and be grateful for what you have!

  7. Meredith says:

    I'm so glad Jeff is okay!!! I definitely couldn't agree more with having some great ole family time after that. Love the girls outfits that their Pappy brought them, too cute!!

  8. I'm so glad he wasn't hurt! Very scary.

  9. Jess Scott says:

    I am so glad he's ok…it's scary to think that something awful could happen in the blink of an eye. (PS I don't think any of us judge for playing outside in PJS – We do it all the time!!) Have a great week!

  10. P!nky says:

    So glad he's doing better. I was in a minor car crash, two weeks before my wedding, last year. It was soooo crazy and inconvenient, but like you said, there are others suffering so much worse than we are. I was so thankful everyone involved was okay and that the worst was an almost totaled car. Glad you enjoyed a weekend at home, family first always!

  11. So glad Jeff is okay! What a scary morning. It sounds like a relaxing weekend was just what you needed. We play outside in pjs too :). Happy birthday to your dad – what a sweet post you had for him. I hope this week is a lot less eventful!

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