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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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My Life List…Updated


September 9, 2014

Just this past Sunday, we were at church and our pastor’s sermon was all about The Bucket List, checking things off and what we thought Jesus’ list might have been…not necessarily the things he “wanted” to do, but the things he “needed” to do. A little bit deep for a Tuesday morning I know, but it really got me thinking about needs versus wants and how I wanted to update my “Life List”…I wrote mine two years ago, and obviously priorities and desires and needs change and so I updated mine to reflect current wishes and hopes.
FYI: You can find my old post here. 

1. Start a family 
2. Travel to Italy with Jeff
3. Host Thanksgiving for both our families at our home
4. Tour the Smithsonian as an adult
5. Visit NYC during Christmas 
6. Learn to bake my Grandmother’s divinity from scratch
7. Raise my children in church
8. Buy a digital SLR camera
9. Go to the symphony
10. Pay off all my debt 
11. Read the entire Bible from start to finish (work in progress; New Testament complete)
12. Cook a five-course gourmet meal for a small dinner party
13. Publish an article in a magazine
14. Take the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower
15. Read Wuthering Heights
16. Buy all the classic Disney movies on DVD (work in progress; they only release from the “vault” so often…marketing geniuses)
17. Attend a formal black tie event with Jeff 
18. Go to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
19. Visit all 50 states
20. Start my own business 
21. Go on a zipline tour
22. Take our family to Disney World
23. Complete a 1/2 marathon and full marathon
24. Plan a surprise weekend getaway for Jeff
25. Plant a garden complete with our favorite fruits and vegetables
26. Go to a movie at a drive-in theater
27. Make healthy lifestyle choices (working on 3+ times a week, eating “greener” foods, etc)
28. Join a girls’ bible study
29. Collect books from our traveling adventures (we do this now and we love our growing collection)
30. Hire someone to decorate our home
31. Rent a beach house for the entire summer
32. Teach my girls how to fish
33. Reconnect with an old friend from my past 
34. Create a cookbook with treasured recipes from my family and friends
35. Take our girls on a European family vacation
36. Go on a camping trip with our friends
37. Go to the Winter Olympics: Summer (complete; Atlanta 1996)
38. Attend a music festival
39. Make photo albums for each year to pass down to my children
40. Sponsor a  less fortunate family for Christmas and give them a holiday they will never forget
41. Attend the Kentucky Derby
42. Take a calligraphy class
43. Ride horses on the beach
44. Design and build a home
45. Go skydiving
46. Fly first class
47. Go on a missions trip
48. Research my family’s genealogy
49. Travel to Bali and stay in an ocean hut
50. Pay a stranger’s restaurant bill

What’s on your bucket list and has your “list life” changed with time, too?

  1. Kylie Ward says:

    I love this idea! I think it's about time I actually wrote one of my own – it's ok to add "create bucket list" as the first item on my list, right? 🙂

  2. Jillian says:

    awesome list! i should work on one of these! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  3. Nat says:

    Love love love this idea!! I really need to put together one of these- especially now that I have a child I feel like I really want to make sure we make memories as a family.

  4. I love this idea and I love your list! I love that you have gotten to mark some off also! I need to start working on my list now! 🙂

  5. Kristy says:

    Get it girl! 🙂 That is a great list and I love the idea! 🙂

  6. Tess says:

    I haven't put pen to paper with a list like this, but I have some major "musts" for the next few years.

    And I can get behind your trip to Italy for sure!!

  7. What a great list! I've been able to grow a few of those off myself!!

    Thanks for the great guest post today for my Toddler Tuesday series!!


  8. Jess Scott says:

    LOVE IT! I had a "30 before 30" list that never got completed because of sweet Cam, but I have enjoyed changing it to reflect what really matters now! 🙂 Happy Tuesday!

  9. What a neat idea. I have so many wishes in my head, but I've never written them out like this. I'm 30 now, and I have so many things I'd love to get going in the next 5 years! Let's do this 🙂

  10. I promise I am not trying to stalk you but we live in South Nashville and are in search of a new church home. Do you mind sharing where y'all go?

  11. What a great list! Such a great idea to make one of these for your family!

  12. Sarah says:

    Love this! I need to look at my list again too! By the way, let me know when you are ready for Disney 😉 I am a Disney travel agent based out of Germantown, TN and my services are free. We are leaving in about 10 days…taking Sally for the first time. Joe and I have been 15 times!

  13. rachel says:

    Love this list!!! And am impressed at how much you have crossed off! I want to come when you host that gourmet dinner party! 🙂 Oh and remind me to tell you about the most incredible bible study for young moms like us. Would love to have you join!

  14. Such a wonderful list, and also a great need vs want message.

  15. This list is awesome! I just found this post as I was updating my own bucket list! I think mine is more "want" than "need" though. Ha. Whoops.

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