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Family Traditions…Travel Souvenirs


October 7, 2014

Do you collect items for yourself and your kids/pets/significant others when you travel? We have a few traditions we started a few years ago and I love the fact that when we venture to a new destination, Jeff and I take time to find something special to bring home!
For our adventures, I started collecting travel books years ago…like coffee table books filled with pictures and information about a particular city/state/country, and our collection has grown quickly! It’s something we can keep, display in our home, and I love that it’s not a normal “souvenir”. My favorite part is that I have books written in different languages from our (and others’) international travels so it’s more authentic, too. Here are a few of my favorites:

 these include books from Madrid, Barcelona, Greece, Paris, and Costa Rica
For the girls, we have a standing rule that if Jeff and/or I go to a new place we have never been, we have to bring the minis something home. Not to add clutter to our house, but to incorporate the unique and to teach our girls about other cultures/ways of living/etc. We love the “Goodnight” series books and think they are so so fun…they are wonderful stories jam packed with useful information about each place…the monuments, important details about a particular city, attractions, etc and serve as a great learning tool, too. Definitely something to be on the lookout for when you’re away from home.

In addition, our newest souvenir item to collect is fun Christmas ornaments for a “travel tree” we have for the girls. It won’t be one of those glamorous trees by any means, but we hope to collect meaningful and sentimental treasures to add to this tree to display in our home. We haven’t had this travel tradition very long, so it’s definitely a work in progress, but I hope this is something both Caroline and Carson will treasure and something we can keep forever to remember all of our adventures.

What fun travel souvenirs do you collect?

  1. LC says:

    We get an ornament every vacation also. I love our travel tree:)

  2. Jillian says:

    cute idea! was always pick up a little doll that can be made into a christmas ornament! it's so fun to decorate our tree and think about all of our trips. we also always make a mini photobook with our travel photos. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  3. Jess Scott says:

    I love this!!! We have been collecting coffee mugs and books, as well!! We also buy each other an ornament each year, so they usually end up being from one of our trips, which is always fun to reminisce as we decorate the tree. I love the idea of a "travel tree!"

  4. BLovedBoston says:

    I love the travel books!! We personally do an ornament for our tree and I'm so happy we started this little tradition on our honeymoon!

  5. We get a Christmas ornament from every place we visit! I absolutely love it and can't wait to do the same once our little babe is here. Sometimes we can't find an ornament so we buy some sort of trinket and I MacGyver it into an ornament. haha

  6. We get a Christmas ornament too with every place we've been or we try to get a piece of art from that place as well. Something unique and different.

  7. Meghan says:

    We collect golf balls for noah from each city we visit :). We collect ornaments as well! I love the travel book idea!

  8. Amy says:

    We get an ornament on every vacation too. I love the tradition and it's so much fun to remember our travels when we decorate our tree every year! We also like to collect vintage maps from some of the bigger cities we've visited (NYC and Paris are two examples) and frame them and hang them in our home. On our last trip to Boston, we bought the children's book Make Way For Ducklings for Eli, since it's set in the Public Gardens where we spent a lot of time.

  9. Very cute traditions and ideas. I try to get books on travels as well. Seems likes an item that I would treasure the most.

  10. Ashley Brown says:

    Love the travel book idea!


  11. Candice Lynn says:

    we've been buying christmas ornaments since before we got married on all our trips.

  12. Jordan Linna says:

    Love that ornament! I used to collect keychains growing up, now it's t-shirts & post cards 🙂

  13. Natasha says:

    I love the ornament idea! I'm a vacation-spot coffee mug collector 😉

  14. Rachel says:

    I always buy a postcard of a true landmark wherever we go and then a magnet for my mother. I think we may add in the Christmas ornament tradition now though!


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