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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Fun at the Pumpkin Patch: Featuring the JJ Cole BundleMe


October 30, 2014

This past Saturday, Jeff, Mimi, Pappy, and I got together bright and early Saturday and took the girls to the infamous Gentry Farms Pumpkin Patch for a fun fall, weekend adventure. We were lucky enough to beat the crowds and arrive right as they opened so we could make sure to do everything before it got too crowded.

It was a bit chilly that morning, so our new JJ Cole Urban Bundleme Cover was perfect to keep Carson all bundled up and toasty. Honestly, I was nervous about how Carson would do with a “bundler”, but she absolutely loved it and it made it so nice to not have to worry about her constantly throwing out her stroller blanket (like her big sister did). This is going to be something we definitely use more in the fall/winter months, especially when we’re out and about at local festivals and on evening walks around the neighborhood, so I will be purchasing a second one for Caroline. I love the versatility, the ease of use (though it takes a few times to master the on/off function to get it out of the stroller), and that I can throw it in the washer when it gets dirty.
(FYI: I chose the Urban Bundleme in the Toddler Size in Black… in addition you can purchase these at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us)

Once we got to Gentry Farms, we made our way into the fun and started off checking out the pumpkins! Then it was off to the miniature (AKA children friendly) corn maze…and yes, we even managed to get lost inside, too. Go team!

 family picture…are all in one together!!
 on a corn maze adventure!!! 
From there, we toured the grounds, went to visit the “zoo” of animals, rose the teeny tiny tractors, and played in the corn and wheat troughs…so many fun things for kids (and adults) to do!
 time to do a little reverse action there peanut
 fairly certain Jeff and I loved playing more than the girls

Afterwards, we went on the nature trail to scope out more of the farm and then took a tractor/hayride around the grounds…it was the perfect fall day!

After the hayride, we decided it was time for some snacks so we took a break and rested up…complete with popcorn , rice krispie treats, cookies, and banana bread…such good treats!

 future cornhole stars

All in all, it was a great morning to get outside and enjoy the TN fall weather and spend time together as a family…so many more fun things to look forward to during these next two months and I cannot wait. P.S. if you’re local, this place is a MUST! 

  1. Pamela says:

    So much fun! 🙂 Love the corn hole board designs!! We own a corn maze here in NC, but unfortunately due to the weather the corn started falling to the ground on our opening weekend & never stopped falling! It was so sad!!

  2. Thats place looks like so much fun!! Love the picture of your sweet family!

  3. Deanna H says:

    All the pictures are adorable. But the third to last {of Carson on the bench} – priceless. Her smile is perfect!!

  4. BLovedBoston says:

    Looks like you guys had a wonderful time and there was so much to do there!! I am loving the vest you're wearing!!

  5. Lindsay says:

    Such cute shoes on the girls, where did you find those?

  6. Look at those sweet girls! What a great time!!! And we LOVE our BundleMe too! The best!

  7. They are too cute! Love the matching outfits.

  8. Jillian says:

    ohh those bundles look so cozy! what a great idea. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  9. Meredith says:

    Looks like such a great time. What size bow is CC wearing? Is it bigger than a 5"?

  10. So fun!! Carson has got to be one of the most photogenic toddlers ever! She love the camera – adorable.

  11. Allison says:

    You guys are such a cute family! Darling girls and adorable outfits. Looks like it was a fun Fall outing.

  12. KellyM says:

    Hi Natasha! What darling pics of your family, your girls are so cute! Random question, would you mind sharing what camera you have? My husband and I are in the market for a nice camera and I'm clueless – your photos look great!

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