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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Fall Fun Rewind…Halloween and Family Fall Fest


November 5, 2014

Last weekend was one of those weekends where I wish it never had to end…it was complete in every sense of the word and I couldn’t help but get sad when Monday rolled around. This is just one reason I love fall…a sense of family, traditions, and so much togetherness that I hope this season lasts and doesn’t escape us too quickly.
First up, Halloween at the Stoneking casa… As you know by now, the minis were Ariel and Sebastian this year and I loved how they were able to dress up three different times this year. Plus, there just really isn’t anything cuter than babies in costumes, right? We invited some friends and Mimi and Pappy over for dinner and trick-or-treating and the night turned out to be such a good time!
Our little photog-in-training (AKA Caroline) had to take some pictures to get the night started…she may not like to pose for the camera, but she LOVES to play the family picture taker.

 She must have been going for the “abstract” (i.e. completely off center) look
Daddy is crazy
 Witch cookies from Mimi and Pap
 Little Bit approves…surprise 😉
 One of the only times she would actually put on her wig
 Ya’ll…that wig was terrible, but hilarious
 The cutest little kitty.. our friend Emory
 “no more pictures mama”
 my feisty little crab…the cutest little crustacean in town
 After dinner, we got all bundled up (because of course it turned cold the day before Halloween) and then headed out into our neighborhood for a quick trick-or-treating session! Another benefit of living in such a family-friendly place…they shut down the roads so we didn’t have to worry about cars..safety first! It took the girls a bit to get the whole “process” down of asking for goodies, but they had such a wonderful time and of course they totally racked up on the sugary, good stuff, too. 
 Mimi and her little mermaid
 It’s a family affair…we all go together! 
 My little family…the good stuff right here!
 Daddy and our little camera ham
 Action shot…Tuttie was so excited for her loot
 Megan and Emory!
 Our happy little group of fun…Andy and Aaron were left in charge of
manning the house for our trick-or-treaters
 sister love in action…cheesy grins
 surveying the goods
 snack time…

After we sent the little munchkins off to bed, we all gathered in the living room for a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity and then Jeff thought of the brilliant idea to have a rap session where him and Andy went to town and we played with glow sticks…who says you can’t have fun as an adult???

The next afternoon, we headed to Aunt Shell and Pattie’s house for their annual Fall Fest celebration…another family tradition we all love! We bundled up the babes and had a blast, grilling hot dogs around the campfire, eating chili, snacking on yumminess prepared by everyone, and watching football (the VOLS finally got a big win!!)…such a fun night!

my big girl looking WAY too big
 little sister love
 Papa taking his babies for a stroll
 it takes a village 😉 
playing cornhole with the boys
 little miss independent…love her little mini toddler UT chair

  1. BLovedBoston says:

    Looks like such a fun weekend!! My niece was Ariel as well and I think the cutest part was the red wig that they wore – so stinking adorable!

  2. Love that Ariel wig! Atleast you got a few cute pictures with her in it. Looked like such a fun weekend with the fan 🙂

  3. E Hayes says:

    so cute, I think every mama I know was a cat (including myself lol, such an easy go-to!) Love the fall fest tradtition, so fun!

  4. Sarah says:

    It looks like such a fun weekend. I love the idea of a fall themed night the day after Halloween. Also, where did you get the girls cute mittens and hats? I am having trouble finding cute ones at all my normal places.

  5. Jillian says:

    aww i LOVE the little mermaid inspired costumes! too cute! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  6. Amanda says:

    Lol love the Ariel costume, especially the wig!! Looks like y'all had a blast!

  7. That Ariel wig is hilarious!!! That was a lot of hair on one little girl!

  8. Bailley says:

    Your minis are so sweet!! Sounds like such a fun weekend. Family time is just the best!

  9. You guys had an awesome Halloween! Keith and I were boring and didn't dress up but next year we are def doing a family theme. Your girls look so adorable in their costumes 🙂

  10. Meredith says:

    How cute, Caroline did a great job working the camera. I'm pretty impressed for a 2 year old! Love their outfits, sounds like a great weekend!

  11. Those costumes are too cute! It's making me want another baby so I can do matching costumes – haha. And those witch cookies are seriously amazing! Glad you guys had a great Halloween.

  12. The girls' costumes are so precious!! Love them!!

  13. Looks like such a F.U.N. weekend! No wonder you didn't want it to end. Love all the precious photos…the only thing missing are pics from the rap session! 🙂

  14. I love all the pictures!! Looks like Halloween weekend was a blast!

  15. Kaylie T says:

    Ariel and Sebastian!! What a cute idea!

  16. Hannah says:

    Your little ladies are just the CUTEST! I die over their camera smiles- haha!!

  17. Becky M says:

    Oh their costumes are just the cutest! Was a fun time!


  18. Okay that Ariel wig is fantastic!! Send it over my way and I'll make great use of it!!! Sounds like a really fun night!

  19. Looks like a great time filled with family and friends!!! 🙂

  20. Looks like a pretty perfect weekend!! And I don't think your sweet kiddos could have been any cuter in their costumes!!

  21. Oh my gosh…that red wig!!! It was almost longer than she was tall!!

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