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Five on Friday…A Plethora of Random Little Happies


November 14, 2014

One. Red Red Red
I’ve already said it on IG and I will say it again…this girl can do no wrong when it comes to her music and I can’t say I’m ashamed that I listen to AND buy it. It’s catchy, upbeat, and her songwriting talent is beyond incredible. But, today I’m sharing this picture from the Blank Space video in the hopes yall can help me find the perfect shade of red lipstick…I love this look, especially for fun holiday parties and events so I would love some suggestions for a go-to, fierce red lipstick.

Two. French Dip Dinnertime Goodness
I just re-discovered an oldie, but goodie when it comes to a go-to easy fall and winter suppertime staple this week and it didn’t disappoint…it only requires 4 ingredients which is even better so you’r enot fumbling through a crazy long recipe while stocking up at the grocery store. Ready to make the boys (and girls) happy? This one is a big hit for my main squeeze, too!
2 lb. Rump Roast
2 Envelopes Dry Onion Soup Mix
2 Cans Reduced Sodium Beef Broth
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Provolone Cheese Slices
Hoagie Rolls
1. Empty dry soup mix, beef broth, and roast into crock pot and cook on high for 4-6 hours (or low for 6-8 hours)
2. Once done, assemble sandwiches and top with two slices of provolone cheese and place in oven on broil for 1-2 minutes
3. Put broth/au jus in small ramekins and serve as a side for dipping

Three. Babies Galore 
This week has been a big one in the world of new blessings in our little corner of the world…both best friend Bev and my sister-in-law Jennifer were due with boys on November 20th, but both little nuggets decided they’d make an early debut…oh I am so anxious and cannot wait to meet these new little men!! This is when living in different cities makes life difficult…the countdown is on until I can get to Knoxville for a visit to snuggle on some newborn cuteness.

Four. Curious Minds Would Like to Know…
I’m over my fall decorations…there I said it. Maybe Jeff will read this and know the inevitable is coming and he will jump on board the holiday train ;).
When do ya’ll decorate for the holidays? Our tradition has always been to do it the weekend AFTER Thanksgiving, but with it being so late this year I am plotting my attack on doing it prior to our turkey day feasting. For as much time and effort as we put into Christmas decor, I want to be able to enjoy it and make it count. So, who decorates early??? PLEASE tell me I am not the only lunatic out there.

Five. I Am a Mama’s Girl 
Yesterday was this pretty lady’s birthday…and we were so excited to be the first callers to sing her Happy Birthday, too!! (P.S. there isn’t anything sweeter than a 2.5 year old singing happy birthday)
Today, Mimi and I are headed for our annual birthday celebration date…we venture out to Christmas Village for some holiday shopping fun, and we are starting our morning off with breakfast at The Perch. Yummy crepes are the perfect beginning for a special day together. And a belated BIG birthday shout-out to the grandest of them all…a woman that taught me what it is to be how to be the best mom I can be and the one who loves unconditionally. We love you to the moon Mimi!

You know the drill my dears…link up below and share your Five on Friday goodness with us. We always love finding fun new reads and thank you for sharing your life, too!

  1. P!nky says:

    Love Tswift, she is so uber talented!

  2. Jillian says:

    mmmm that french dip looks SO good! happy friday friend! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  3. I typically wait until after Thanksgiving but am strongly considering the weekend before as well….will all depend on the hubby's hunting plans! And that french dip….Y..U..M!!

  4. Ashley Lang says:

    Operation Decoration begins at our house TODAY! I agree with you, we put way to much effort in to only be able to look at it for a couple of weeks! Happy Decorating!!!

  5. Meredith says:

    the french dip looks yummy. i just can't break tradition, I have to wait till the day after Thanksgiving to breakout the Christmas decor.

  6. I usually decorate the day after Thanksgiving but this year I'm decorating early and will be putting up my trees next week! Happy Friday 🙂


  7. I'm a little upset with Swifty that she pulled her music off spotify….bc I just like to listen before I buy and then I buy…AND she says she is not getting paid when spotify pays more royalties than radio. So yeah, I guess after that mini rant I am a little miffed haha

  8. Karra says:

    girl. I'm counting down the hours until I can purchase Tswift tickets here in Seattle!!!

  9. I am allllll about a French Dip and that may just be our Saturday night dinner! YUM. PS, you would look hawwwt with that red lipstick!

  10. Georgia Glam says:

    I am officially on the T.Swift bandwagon now! I agree on the lipstick, let me know if you find a shade!!!! My fall decorations are still out and we start moving into our new house the first week of December, so my goal is for the Christmas tree to be the first thing that goes up in our house so we can enjoy it!

  11. I have a similar French dip recipe and love it! I've been considering putting up Christmas decorations early this year, too..I might jump the gun next weekend when my guy is out hinting 🙂

    Happy belated birthday to your beautiful momma!

  12. Jess Scott says:

    I am totally in the Christmas spirit! We don't move into our house until December 20th, though, so I will be rushing like a mad woman to get everything up in time! Chad thinks I'm crazy, but I want a fully decorated house, even if it's only for a week or two! 🙂 I am totally on board with TSwift, too…it doesn't hurt that Cam loves her, so we are always jamming out in our car. Have a great weekend!! 🙂

  13. We always wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put the Christmas decorations up, and we'll do it again this year. As much as I LOVE Christmas I'm pretty tired of the decorations come Jan 1st, so I can't imagine having them up any longer (don't shoot me!). Pinned that recipe — must try!

  14. Maydelin says:

    Hi!! I LOVEE Taylor, that girls knows how to do music, at least knows how to sale it! haha

    I'm from Venezuela, so we don't have seasons, we only decorate the house for Chritmas that's it!

    I always put my Christmas Decorations on December 1, and we take down about January 15, it's more than a month with Christmas!, this year my mom is also very excited with Christmas, so maybe I would put up the Christmas stuff a little earlier this year!!

    My sister ALWAYS put her Christmas Decorations in the middle of November, so it's okay! it's your house and your life, do whatever you want, just have some fun!!


  15. Start decorating! You only get 1 month to enjoy it all!

  16. Jennifer says:

    I LOVE The Perch – it's one of my favorite brunch spots in town. The vanilla latte there is amazing!!! Not sure what they do to it.

  17. Chandler says:

    I love Taylor so so much. She is a song writing goddess. As for Christmastime decorating, I'm usually so anti-decorating until after Thanksgiving but I am so much in the Christmas mood lately. I say go for it!

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