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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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five on friday


January 30, 2015

One. MAKE Mercado Global Cosmetic Bags
I love makeup, and I love collaborations where you can learn about innovative companies who are giving back and doing special things to help others. This is MAKE, and two powerful women led co-ops- Mercado Global & Opportunity Threads. Together, the three created a cosmetic bag with a philanthropic mission, which will create opportunities for production for co-ops in Guatemala and the US. This visionary initiative supports the mission of the We See Beauty Foundation to develop the cooperative movement across the Americas, empowering women and helping to create jobs and income to underserved communities. You can find the custom designed bags for $30 (or $45 with a Custom Matte Dew, a $57 value) at Wee See Beauty. I think this might be a perfect time for me to purchase for a fun present for someone special. 
Two. Sausage and Cheese Tortellini Soup
I made this a few weekends ago and Jeff went nuts…as in he said this was the best soup I’ve ever made. It’s still chilly, it’s still winterish out there, so by all means, make this goodie NOW! One note: my grocery store was out of tortellini so I opted for the frozen cheese ravioli and didn’t change the recipe. Voila! Thanks for this amazing food concoction Party in My Kitchen
Three. Sickness Goodies
I think the current version of the plague is taking over right now…sickness and under the weather babies have taken over and it seems like adults are getting it, too. I’m hoping spring rolls around early this year because I can’t take any more cough due to cold nonsense. However, I did spot this idea floating around and I think it’s adorable if you’ve got a friend or loved one that needs a little cheering up. Little gifts made dreary days so much better. 

Four. Army Green Piko Top

Versatility…I’m all about effortless, go-to ensembles that don’t take a lot of time these days. And I’ve professed my love for all things Piko before, but today I am here to show off a brand new find…the classic V-neck style which I have yet to try out before (yes, stylist Amy will be so proud since she says v-neck is best!). I purchased this neutral, army green top and I am loving how I can pair it with so many different pieces to create everyday looks…both dressy and casual! Here are two that work for my crazy, hectic days: 
My favorite part is how Pikos are washer friendly (I was on delicate and then hang dry) and they are GREAT for packing…especially when you don’t have a lot of room! Pair it wirh a fun necklace, scarf, a vest for layering, and some staple bottoms and you’ve got an on-trend look without spending a ton of money. 
Five. Words of Goodness
I’m a month into my “year to Simplify” and I have to say I’m rather impressed with how I’ve donw so far… I’ve made sure to tackle things that must be done, but I’ve also taken on less, said no to things I don’t have time for, and I’ve really tried to adapt simplification into so many things I do throughout each day, It’s going to take a lot longer to make this mantra mine, but I’m glad to see I’m making slow and steady progress…a little at a time. And I’m hoping your resolutions/goals/words to live by are going well for you, too!!

You know the drill…link up with the girls (Darci, Christina, April, and I) and share your Five on Friday goodness! Cheers to a wonderful weekend friends.

  1. Jillian says:

    i hope your family feels better!! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  2. Andrea says:

    I saw that tortellini soup on your Instagram the other day…thanks for the link to the recipe!!!

  3. I have yet to get a piko top but definitely need to, they look so cute! Have a great weekend love, hope everyone feels better!

  4. Erin says:

    So glad the simplification of life is going well! In some ways simplifying can almost be hard! But so worth it 🙂

  5. I'm thrilled to see other bloggers who want to live more simply this year. I thought it was just me that was over run! Love the army green color! I need to add a few more pikos to my wardrobe!

  6. Meredith says:

    I have a good feeling my determination to organize and have yard sale is a direct link to simplifying my life.

  7. Amanda Klein says:

    I just ordered your shirt!! Can't wait to try this "piko" stuff I've read so much about!

  8. Jessica says:

    I love those quotes, those are so applicable and necessary for me to hear right now. Happy Friday!

  9. Love the get well gift idea! 🙂 Hope your loved ones are on the mend!

  10. LOVE those outfits!!! Glad I could join your link-up today 🙂

  11. Tori G says:

    What great quotes! and those outfits are on point, love them!!

  12. Oh that bag! And the sick cup of goodies – so smart!

  13. Unknown says:

    I love those booties! Can I ask where you found them?

  14. Love the quotes!! Might have to use the last one for my Motivational Monday quote! Happy Friday!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. The Cozads says:

    Thanks for sharing about the Piko tops! I see an investment into one or two in my future! 🙂

  16. The sickness goodies are brilliant!

  17. Both of those outfits are so chic! Teach me your ways about hanging the piko tops to dry. I have been using the dryer for mine … should I stop?

  18. Lea says:

    Love the "get well" goodies, how cute! And, love the quote, "we don't have to do it all." Oh, that we would fully realize that. Happy weekend!

  19. Those little "sickly" goodie bags are brilliant! It's the little things that make you cheer up when you're feeling awful. These would also be really easy to keep on hand and customize them for the recipient!

  20. That soup recipe looks yummy & I am loving how you have styled the Piko tops! Xo, Stephanie

  21. Jess Scott says:

    I love that top!!! I always love army green – it goes with so much!! And, I love the idea of a get-well gift…EVERYONE is sick right now – tissues and cough drops are my best friend!! Have a great week!!

  22. I have just started reading your blog and just love it!! Thanks for the inspiration!! :):)

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