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One Room at a Time: The Home Office


January 13, 2015

When we last left off, I shared the recently finished powder room…yes, that was back in April so it’s been awhile. I mentioned then that as we make this house our home, we want to take time on each of the rooms, and decorate them for our tastes now, and well as invest in staple pieces that we can keep forever. It’s going to take a long time to complete everything, so I have to tell myself that I need to be patient throughout this process, and not waste money on impulse buys.
As I have discussed before, we and working with a local interior designer to help us transform the spaces and I can’t say enough great things about the remarkable Kendall Simmons. She recently went out on her own and started her own business and she is doing amazing things, not only for us, but for others as well…including some of our closest friends. You can see more of her work on her newly launched website here. And you can read some of her best tips and tricks by visiting her blog, too.
So, here’s the show and tell of my brand new office…and yes, coming into this space everyday makes my workdays (and nights) a lot more fun now! Here are some pictures to get you better acquainted with this gorgeous (yes I’m partial) space:

Rug: Wayfair
Window Treatments: Custom Hardware/Custom Drapery (fabric is China Seas Fez Silver Metallic on Tan)
Peacock Blue Lamp: Candleabra
Gold Ceiling Lantern: Shades of Light
Writing Desk: Pottery Barn (no longer carried…similar options here, herehere, and here)
Accessories: Target (this and this), West Elm (this and this), Anthropologie (this and this), Homegoods,Local Antique Shops, Absolution
Chair: Family Heirloom (this undoubtedly is my favorite piece in the room…it belonged to my great-grandmother and my mom gave it to me…we had it reupholstered in a dark blue velvet, added back the nailhead trim, Kendall stained the wood to match a dark hickory, and honestly, pictures don’t do it justice… it is even better in person)
Bookcase: PD’s (local store in Franklin)
Prints: Etsy via Jaime Rovenstine and ModuleM
Frames: Michael’s (Custom Framing)
Blacksmith Clothing Rack: Pottery Barn 

  1. Wonderful room! It looks like a comfy and good place for work 🙂
    Carpet cleaners Harrow

  2. Heather says:

    It's so glamorous! I love it! Do you mind sharing the paint color?

  3. Congrats girl, It's breathtaking!!

  4. WOW!!! Love that room!! Great work space! Congrats on all your success!

  5. gal, that looks STUNNING!! I'm so envious!! I'm sharing my home office this week too and honestly, it's been the hardest damn room to get right!!! I'm still not totally content. I love that bookcase behind your desk! perfection!

  6. That is drop-dead-gorgeous. I want to work from home in that space. I would be so inspired. Love it!!

  7. gorgeous!! i love this space! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  8. Ashley says:

    This home office is perfect. I wish I had the talent to make a space like this!

  9. Christina says:

    This is PERFECTION! I love every little detail and would love nothing more than to transport it all into my house. 😉 Congratulations on your beautiful space.
    (I bet the littles love those jelly beans!)

  10. Meredith says:

    looks great, so is that the same heirloom chair that was yellow in your old house? Wow, they did a great job reupholstering.

  11. Vicky O says:

    Beautiful! I love all the details 🙂

  12. Jess Scott says:

    I LOVE THIS!! I feel like I could be very motivated in here….or just sit and stare at everything! 🙂

  13. Tess says:

    The whole room is fantastic but I'm with you…..my favorite piece is that awesome chair! What a great office!

  14. What a beautiful space for an office! I could definitely work in a space like that all day long.

  15. Jenny says:

    What a fun office. I'm in the process of giving mine a facelift. Unfortunately, I'm at a standstill until I find the perfect desk. Then I'm hoping it will all come together.

  16. melissa says:

    It's gorgeous friend! Just love it.

  17. I just love that metal star calendar thingie!! I'm assuming its an antique?? Do you know what it's called?? I tried googling "metal star calendar thingie" but nothing came up 🙂 I'm obsessed with it!! PS: The whole office looks amazing!!!

  18. Natalie H says:

    Gorgeous!! I would love going to work in that room everyday. I would love to hear your thoughts on working with an interior designer. We're thinking of hiring one but I can't decide if it will be worth the money or not.

  19. I don't think I could love it more.

  20. GIRL!!!! This is absolutely stunning! I just love everything about it. It's gorgeous but also looks like a place you really work. Well done, friend! xo

  21. Pamela says:

    Gorgeous! Love the wall color!

  22. R says:

    You forgot to mention where you got the jelly beans!

    Love the room. Looks like something out of Southern Living.

  23. I love that chair & it would be my fave accent staple too. Im a sucker for dark blues/teals/greys s accent furniture to begin with. Oh and yay for your Jelly Bellys too – perfect sugary snack 🙂


  24. Absolutely gorgeous! What a great space to work it. My favorite part of the room is your chair– love that it is a family heirloom!

  25. rachel says:

    Love, love, love everything about this!!! It looks AMAZING! I think I could actually be productive in there. 😉 And that chair…SO fabulous!

  26. GORGEOUS!!!! Looks like an incredible work space!

  27. What a beautiful space (and the jelly beans!) x

  28. LOVE your office! Those French doors and that chair?! Oh my! We just purchased a new home, and I'm thrilled to get a desk/office space for my blog as I currently work on our breakfast bar… Yours is simply stunning! Great taste 🙂

  29. Erica Musyt says:

    This is a beautiful office! I'm moving into a two-bedroom this spring so that I can have an office. This is wonderful inspiration, thank you! *erica*

  30. So beautiful. My office is a labor of love but also the sorce of so much frustration. I cannot get it how I want.

  31. JSTYMIEST says:

    Love your office!!! It actually inspired me and I went out today to pick up a few new pieces for my desk at work (loved the tray with the bowls, flowers, candle, etc.!). So pretty!!

  32. nancy john says:

    Awesome home interior designs ideas posted by you at here. I really want to create same as this kind of excellent and stunning home interior in my home. I hope that i will create it easily with help of this great interior design ideas. 

    Roman style decor

  33. Gina says:

    Soooo I’m brand new to your blog, but I have to say…you are just way too cute!! I love your cheerful style as well! I know this is an old post, and I think I saw you moved into a new home since then… but I’m gonna take a shot and ask if you know what the dimensions of this room was? It is almost exactly what I’d like to make my office, but mine is rather tiny. I’m hoping it’s not much different in yours, I love the layout! Thank you in advance!!!

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      well thank you Gina!!!! it is an old post, but we just redid our home–still at the same address!! this space measures at 12X12–hope that helps!!

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