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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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that time i blogged about christmas in january…


January 28, 2015

Am I losing my mind? You don’t have to answer that, but how in the world am I just now posting about our Christmas holiday…now one month later. Oh well, at least you’re not having to read 1746 of these holiday recap posts today I bet 🙂 Enjoy this rather long recap, but filled to the brim with our family celebrating in style!

Christmas Eve celebrations started with Nanny Claus coming over to open presents with us that morning…it was so much fun and complete with yummy breakfast and mimosas and lots of fun playing a mean little “trick” on Alex. We had gotten her something she had been wanting for a really long time, but I hid them so the large box wouldn’t be a dead giveaway…then we had her go on a little scavenger hunt to find her new Hunter rainboots. It was so much fun to be able to give her something special for all she does for us!

That day, we took it easy around the house, packing the car and getting all the gifts sorted for all the various destinations we were traveling to. The girls took their naps and then Jeff and I got all of us dressed and ready and headed to Gran and Papa’s house for dinner and presents with my extended family that afternoon. And yes, there are no rules at Gran and Papa’s house…the babies rule and had ice cream WITH dinner. They had set up a train in their garage and the girls thought it was purely magic…definitely kept us entertained throughout the entire night!

After dessert, we all headed downstairs to open presents…the adults did a $20 gift exchange this year, but no worries…it seems no one held off any gifts for the minis. I hope one day they can look back at all these pictures and see the love and admiration everyone has for them…warms my heart like no other.

Aunt Winnie and Mimi
Costume Change Time

That night, we put the girls to bed and then Santa got to work…assembling and moving things around and making sure his setup was all complete, as we knew it would be an early morning wakeup call. Of course Mimi and Pappy came over at the crack of dawn to celebrate with us!!

I think it’s safe to say St Nick enjoyed his milk and cookies, too
Yes, apparently 6AM is a perfect time for a costume change…yet again
Taking her new baby, Abby, for a stroll
Mimi helping Tuttie with all her new goodies
Carson admiring her new silver keepsake brush and comb set
Little Bit loves the new dress-up wardrobe
Costume change!! Snow White is the newest princess in town…Mimi and Pap got one for each of the girls and they are gorgeous
 The nuggets investigating their new tee pee in the playroom courtesy of Mimi and Pappy

 Once the dust settled, we got ready, loaded the car, and hit the road to Knoxville to celebrate with Jeff’s family…we stayed with Jennifer and Brian in their newly renovated house and had such a fun few days together!! The girls especially loved playing with their cousin EC and meeting their newest cousin Landon.

 Checking out her presents from Grammy Kaye
 This is Landon…isn’t he adorable??

This year was all about family and making the most of the time we had together…it was a crazy whirlwind, but all were healthy and happy and it was the most joyous of times.

  1. I never got around to posting Christmas yet either. This inspired me to go ahead and post late. I am dying to know where a few things are from. That microphone in the last picture, the gray stroller, and did the girls get a camera too! Look all pics!

  2. Meredith says:

    I haven't blogged in so long, I don't even know where to pick up. lol.. looks like a great Christmas. Natasha, love your pink pjs, the color is perfect.

  3. So much fun! Can you please tell me about the dress up station? I think we need one of those! Thanks.

  4. Tess says:

    Hi, you're so stinking cute!!!

  5. Jillian says:

    ahh well better later than never! looks like your family had a wonderful holiday 🙂 xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  6. Bailley says:

    What a fun Christmas!! Your littles are so sweet and you are just the cutest mama ever!

  7. Such adorable girls! And their jammies!!!!

  8. Natalie H says:

    What a fun Christmas! Love their jammies and the costume changes 🙂

  9. Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! Your sweet girls are gorgeous, and at such fun age!

  10. Casey says:

    Love those PJs where are they from?

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