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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Our Easter Celebration… 2015 Edition


April 7, 2015

Just when I think Easter can’t be any sweeter, the girls go and give me a day where I’m even more thankful for the little family God has blessed me with. Here’s a little snapshot of fun from our Easter celebration:
We started the morning off with investigating all the goodies that infamous Easter Bunny had dropped off at our house the night before.. from swimsuit coverups to pjs to endless amounts of candy and money in gold eggs, I think he did pretty well this year, though the highlight was certainly the .99 Hot Wheels.. go figure! The girls were thrilled with their new goodies and might have had a little bit of a candy snack before we got ready and headed to church.
Talk about an Easter miracle, as we made it to church EARLY no less and got to the sanctuary early so we could settle in and grab our seats… I can’t lie, Easter is one of my favorite days at church… everyone dressed up in their best (monograms, seersucker, and bright springtime color) but my favorite part is that we always know it’s going to be a great sermon and the music will be amazing… and as always our pastor didn’t disappoint. Not to mention I was able to look around at my family and realize just how grateful I am for His many blessings and gifts… and as an adult, how I am able to truly realize the reason for Easter and what it means to my life.
Another highlight was Caroline making it through the entire service with us (thanks to my handy dandy backpack packing job of granola bars, a coloring book with stickers, and crayons) and the fact that Carson made it more than 1/2 way through before visiting her class… go sisters!
After church let out, we headed to Mimi and Pappy’s house for brunch with the rest of the family… Mimi truly outdid herself as always and it was a day spent taking in way too many sweets, laughing way too much, partaking in the festive egg hunt with the girls, and then winding down and calling it a day. Needless to say, this was an Easter that will be hard to top!

 golden eggs with money… happy girls when they get to put $$ in their piggy banks

 my babies LOVE their best friend bella
 inspecting chocolate goodies with daddy
  1. Jess Scott says:

    What a perfect Easter! I love Caroline's little bracelet…too cute!!

  2. Your family is so adorable! Sounds like such a fun Easter!!

  3. Beautiful family! Looks like a great Easter 🙂

  4. Mree says:

    Your family is so beautiful. Love those little outfits.

  5. your girls are so cute! i love their matching outfits. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  6. rachel says:

    Oh my goodness the girls are just too precious! How cute are their outfits?? Love that they loved the Hot Wheels! 🙂 That was certainly the highlight of the boys' baskets too! Looks like it was a beautiful day!

  7. Christina says:

    What a beautiful family! The girls look so adorable in their matching attire!

  8. What a lovely Easter! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the service! What a great gift that is! Owen usually prompts us to leave early because he's just too active, but we were able to stay the whole Mass as well! Happy Easter! xxoxo

  9. Such a sweet family! Love your Easter dress!

  10. E Hayes says:

    They are just the cutest, seriously so sweet!

  11. What a wonderful and special Easter! Your girl's outfits are the cutest too! Xo, Stephanie

  12. Tess says:

    Loved their sweet outfits! I can't believe how big they are getting! What a fun time!

  13. Paige says:

    Sounds like the perfect day! You all look great!

  14. Amanda Paige says:

    Wow, your little ones are just precious! I can't wait to have an easter egg hunt for my little guy (he's only 6 months now) looks like they had a terrific time!!!


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