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Carson’s 2nd Birthday…Over the Rainbow: The Inspiration


May 14, 2015

If you’ve met my second child, you’ll soon discover she’s not into Disney princesses for the most part [except for Anna] and cartoons aren’t really her thing quite yet [though Mickey will suffice at times], HOWEVER, if you ask her what her favorite movie is, she will instantly say “Waz”…and if you aren’t bilingual and don’t speak her second language, what she is really saying is “The Wizard of Oz”. Scary favorite for a little one? I agree. I believe this fascination came from her Mimi as it’s her favorite movie as well…so it’s one thing they absolutely agree on! And no, we don’t sing traditional nursery rhymes at bedtime for my little one, only “We’re Off to See the Wizard” and “Over the Rainbow” suit her fancy. 
I’m not sure how it happened, but she is enamored with all things Oz and so for her second birthday party, we are planning an Over the Rainbow soiree for our nugget Carson. I am SO excited and things are well underway for our fun yellow brick road, munchkin goodies, and decorating the casa in bright hues for her summertime birthday. 
Get excited because you know this party-loving mama is kicking it into high gear for this extravaganza!! Lions and tigers and bears… OH MY! Invites are out so let the fun begin. 
  1. aww so cute! i love the inspiration pics. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  2. Jenny says:

    We did this theme for my little one's 5th birthday this past December. Such a great theme, so many cute things to do!

  3. Kaity says:

    Rainbows are my favorite! Such a cute theme!

  4. SO fun!! I lived in Kansas for a short period so I love all things "Wiz". Have fun planning!

  5. Love the theme! Especially since it's different and not over done!

  6. Meredith says:

    Love, too cute!!

  7. Happy planning and have fun lovely lady x

  8. If you make your front walk/entryway into a yellow brick road, I will die! Can't wait to see all the details!!!
    xo | thesequinedspatula.blogspot.com

  9. I sure hope she has some sparkly, red shoes for her big party!! 🙂

  10. Tess says:

    Ok, I love this theme! Can't wait to see what you do with it!!!!

  11. What a fun theme! Excitd to see your recap post!

  12. Florence says:

    Can't wait to see this one! I have it on my list as a possible party next year..ha (I'd love some inspiration). We are hosting an Under the Sea (mermaids & pirates) this year. Full on party planning mode around here also..ha!

  13. What a great birthday theme, I know you're going to have so much fun planning all the details! Can't wait to see it all come together! Xo, Stephanie

  14. Morgan Smith says:

    Oh my gosh! I just did a rainbow-themed party for my baby girl this past Saturday! I posted about it on Tuesday – check it out, you might get some ideas to help! It was such a fun theme. http://www.california-to-carolina.com

  15. Tara Illy says:

    What an adorable theme for a party — just too cute!

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