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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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A Letter to My Carson… Happy 2nd Birthday Baby!


June 15, 2015

My Dearest Little Bit, 
How can it have been two years since you made your debut? I can’t imagine life without you in it and you are an absolute joy… you’re feisty, fierce, and a crazy little sister who ALWAYS wants her way, but I’m grateful you have a personality all your own and you complete our little family perfectly nugget! 
You have grown leaps and bounds this past year and it’s too much fun to see you learn and master new milestones and the way you look up to your big sister and very best friend makes me one emotional mess of a mommy. 
A few things that jump out are your love of all things pasta [seriously, you could live on it], your new tantrum phase where you throw yourself on the floor and cry alligator tears when you don’t get your way, and how you always want to hold my hand and guide me to our next destination, whether in the house or when we’re out and about. 
You’re EXTREMELY independent and always want to do things “self”… no help necessary. You are still obsessed with The Wizard of Oz [birthday party coming up next weekend!!] and you absolutely LOVE to sing all the time… favorites include “Twinkle, Twinkle”, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” and “Over the Rainbow”. 
You are a little nurturer and constantly play with your Bitty Baby Abby…dressing her, putting her down to go to sleep with a blanket, and carting her around in her stroller. 
You are REALLY starting to talk a lot these days and it’s so fun to see you figure things out and put words together… the way you say “sheester” always makes me giggle. Favorite activities include bathtime, playing hide and seek in the house, visiting the neighborhood geese, talking walks in the stroller, playing with bubbles and chalk, petting Chloe, and reading books in Caroline’s bed every night before heading to sleep. You’re still pretty attached to your “Hoppy” and blanket and have to sleep with them no matter what. 
We feel pretty fortunate to call you ours “tink”… you are a whirlwind ball full of energy, a mommy’s girl by nature, and Pappy is hands down your second favorite [this will totally make his day by the way].  
Cheers to your 2nd birthday my little one… I love you the mostest in the world and I am so grateful to be your mama! 

  1. She is too cute for words!! What a little sweetheart!

  2. Blake Knauss says:

    She is adorable! Happy Birthday, Carson! You have such a beautiful family 🙂

    Blonde to Boot

  3. She is way too adorable!! Happy Birthday to Carson!

  4. Jo says:

    So sweet! Happy birthday Carson!

  5. Jillian says:

    she is adorable! happy birthday carson! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  6. Sara McCarty says:

    Good grief, she is the most gorgeous little thing ever! How has it already been two years?! Happy birthday Carson! You are too cute for words! I hope you guys have a wonderful day celebrating!

  7. Laura Graham says:

    Happy Birthday Carson! She is too cute!

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