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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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bring the spa and salon home with conair…


June 10, 2015

Today, I’m back for a little selfie snapshot into the fabulous world of Conair… yes, that trusted brand we all know and love that helps us bring the salon and spa home, in the convenience of the place we love the most for do-it-yourself beauty.  

Let’s face it, as a mom, business owner, and woman who is constantly on-the-go, it’s not easy to checkout for 3+ hours to head to the spa and salon…and because I am a budget savvy shopper, I can’t say I enjoy spending the money on it either.

Conair latest release is their brand new hairdryer called the Infiniti Pro 3Q Styling Tool, which helps achieve that miraculous blow-out hair we all love, but can’t seem to master at home. In addition, my friends at Conair were kind enough to send me their True Glow Sonic Skincare Solution to help keep my summer skin glowing and moisturized. 

I’ve been testing these goodies out over the past week and I’m impressed with the results thus far… here is a brief review of my experience:  

First, let’s start with the True Glow Skincare Solution. To be completely honest, do-it-yourself skincare can be intimidating, right?? From the moment I opened the box, I was enamored with this little gem. My favorite part is that it’s waterproof so I was able to use it during my daily shower routine and it comes equipped with an automatic even-cleanse timer that tells you when to move to another area of your face every 10 seconds… fool proof! Want more details?? It comes with a charging stand, is fully rechargeable {because I buy enough batteries as it is with my kids], and has 3 [low, medium, and high] speeds with two brush heads for face AND body… see, it’s a two-in-one so you’re not having to buy anything else to make sure your entire body gets good and exfoliated. Learn more about the True Glow here

It’s also gentle enough to use as part of your everyday skin regimen and is high-performing cleaning brush [to combat breakouts and blackheads] with 300 oscillations per second! 
My skin is extremely sensitive, so I’m always leary of new skincare, but this has worked wonders and I actually feel like my skin is 100% clean. I also have a tendency to breakout more during the summer months due to warm temperatures and I have been able to see a visible difference on my face since using this goodie the past week. This is a winner in my book! 
Looking to purchase one for yourself? You can buy at one of these select retailers

Here’s my very own #ConairDoItYourSELFIE
Need help in trying to figure out exactly how to use?? This diagram was REALLY helpful for me… a simple clean-by-number if you will: 
Onto the Infiniti Pro 3Q Styling Tool time! First of all, let me preface this by saying I struggle with finding a hairdryer I like, let alone love… I’ve got thick, coarse hair that takes FOREVER [no I am not over exaggerating here… ask my stylist] to dry and I’v got a ton of it. Suffice to say I’m not a “wash and wear” kind of girl on most days.

The thing I noticed as soon as I turned it on the first time was how quiet it was… they say it’s 40% quieter, which is AMAZING when you’re trying to tiptoe around sleeping daddies in the morning or napping babies during the afternoon. It also utilizes more air pressure at a lower temperature to help prevent heat damage which is another constant in my world… between long styling sessions and color process, it can takes its toll. Conair also mentions the lifetime for this product is significantly longer than other traditional dryers so I am hopeful I won’t be replacing this one anytime soon! P.S. the ionic technology doesn’t hurt either… hello to less frizz, even in humid Tennessee weather!!! Learn more about the 3Q now

And because I can’t choose just one… here are a few of
my favorite #ConairDoItYourSELFIE shots! [and yes, I am having fun singing Beyonce]

 My favorite part about this new hairdryer has been the amount of time it takes me to completely dry my hair… what used to take 15-20 minutes was cut in half and it’s done in 10! That’s a big deal my friends. It felt like a salon-quality hairdryer and it absolutely cut down on the frizziness, too. And for people that tend to get hot flashes while styling their hair, the cold shot button works miracles! Looking for one? Check out where to buy here
And I am enjoying this handy dandy picture display with loads of helpful info… 

Looking to score some of these Conair essentials for yourself?? Participate in their new Conair Do It YourSELFIE sweepstakes and share a pic on social media with hashtag #ConairDoitYourSELFIE for a chance to win Conair appliances and gift cards! This contest is live NOW and runs through July 2nd… five winners will be randomly selected and you can enter now HERE

Want to make sure you’re in the know for all the latest and greatest from Conair? Follow their social media accounts: Twitter || Pinterest || Instagram || Facebook

Thanks to Conair for collaborating with me on this feature post. Though this was a product-provided, sponsored event that contains affiliate links, all opinions, text, and experiences are my own.

For more information about Conair’s full line of styling and skincare products, visit Conair at www.conair.com, and follow the brand on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram for great beauty tips, tricks, and giveaways!
This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. I received the Infiniti Pro by Conair 3Q Styling Tool and the True Glow by Conair Sonic Skincare Solution for my own personal use. All opinions, text and experiences are my own.

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