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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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five on friday… a whole bunch of goodness


June 19, 2015

1 || Birthday Party Prep… It’s Almost Time!
It’s as though I’m in the infamous twister from The Wizard of Oz, running around like a madwoman in preparations for tomorrow’s big birthday bash for Carson. I’ve got most of my list knocked out, but today will be spent picking up the food, flowers, decorating the house, and finishing those last minute details for our shindig and I cannot wait to share the details with you guys!! It’s going to be one heck of a party… 

2 || Old Navy is Doing BIG Things This Summer

Anybody out there agree? I have been SUPER impressed with Old Navy’s Spring and Summer lines this year… the fabrics have been great for wear-ability, the styles and prints have been on trend, and the sales have been even better! I have a few of these styles [1, 3, 6, 7, and 9] and I love them SO much. They are versatile, fit well, and perfect for summertime outings and travels. 

3 || Father’s Day Shenanigans
With Daddy Day approaching this Sunday, I wanted to give a big shout-out to the men in my life who make everyday better! Thanks to Papa, my dad [AKA Pappy] and Jeff for being the best role models and providers, as well as the leaders of our family. Your sacrifices for all of your girls never go unnoticed and your strength always astonishes me in all that each of you do. We love you all VERY much! 
4 || Mix and Match with My Favorite Summer Staples
Ever find that one essential top that you need in every color?? Yep, that’s this tank for me [c/o La Senorita Jolie]. I’ve got it in Kelly Green, but I’m thinking I might need to order a few more… especially to add some staples to my closet in hues of navy, heather gray, and white. The LSJ collection is easy to wear and I’d highly recommend a few other tops they carry including the Izabelle and the Kristin. Looking to order for yourself? My friend Ashley always helps me with my orders and you can shop with her here
top || white skinny jeans || gold and cognac sandals (similar/similar) ||
necklaces and ring || earrings || sunglasses 
 top || shorts (on major sale) || fedora (less than $15) || necklace ||
earrings || 
wedges (under $40)
top || pom pom shorts (similar/similar)|| ring (similar) || sandals (under $25)
|| earrings and necklace (purchased from ATL market)
5 || Head Hugs Feature and Giveaway
You know I am a fan of all things that pertain to accessories, especially ones for the minis… say hello to Head Hugs, a perfectly adorable curated shop of headbands, beanies, party hats, and clips for the littlest fashionistas! Created by Meredith Wheeler, these sweet and custom headbands can be made to match any ensemble or coordinate for any special occasion. The Victoria Turban and the Phoebe Headband just happen to be my favorites… she was too sweet and sent the girls headbands to match their Mint Julep Bubble Short Sets and they are ADORABLE!

Interested in winning a free headband for you or your little one?? Simply follow Head Hugs on Instagram [using the Rafflecopter widget below] to be entered to win a Braided Boho Headband in your choice of dark fuchsia, baby blue, tan, or kelly green.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to see what April [the hostess with the mostess] is up to this week as well as all you other fabulous friends who are participating in our weekly Five on Friday roundup? Link up here!! 

  1. Love that green tank. It is one of my favorite colors. I am sure you will make her birthday party a spectacular event!

  2. I love Carson's birthday theme! WHen i was growing up, I had a poster that read: everything I need to know I learned from the wizard of oz with cute life lessons. Now it hangs in my mom's room. 🙂

  3. im in LOVE with carson's birthday outfit … so stinking cute!! im sure the party is going to be adorable. loving those headbands too! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  4. Cat W says:

    I honestly cannot wait to see Carson's birthday! That's such a cute theme. Have a great time!

  5. Rebecca Jo says:

    Wizard of Oz themed parties are always the cutest!

  6. Old Navy is surprising me with how cute their stuff is this year! Also, that green tank of yours is super cute & versatile!

  7. Vanessa says:

    I can't even wait to see pics from miss Carson's party…I'm sure it will be just darling!!! And I totally agree–Old Navy is killing it this summer!

  8. Oh my Carson's party is going to be ADORABLE! I can't wait to see the pictures! Love your mix and match outfits — such cute ways to wear that tank! Happy weekend!

  9. I'm impressed by Old Navy too! I was getting a bit bored with their lines lately and then wham! They come out with some great stuff! Looking forward to seeing pics of the party! ~Ree

  10. Cole says:

    A Wizard of Oz themed birthday is such a great idea! I love green and that tank is precious.

  11. Having a Wizard the Oz birthday is such a great idea! I'm loving the way you paired the top with so many different options! Xo, Stephanie

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