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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Life Lately || A Photo Roundup


September 28, 2015

So much going on as of late that I feel like if it weren’t for my trusty iPhone, I wouldn’t be able to remember half of the things we have had going on! Here’s a little photo montage with some snapshots of events and goodies from the past few weeks: 
because it was a great day for Sugar Bit and champs was necessary 

working on preparations for my 2nd trunk show this coming Sunday in Knoxville… 
if you’re local, come visit and shop with us! Would LOVE to see you

riding shotgun and working with my hubby in his office downtown in between meetings… oh the joys of being an adult!

making BIG pancakes with my sweet Caroline early in the morning before the
others wake up… cherishing these one on one moments 

playtime in the fountain the night we brought dinner to Pappy
for his birthday celebration!

floral styling in preparation for Baby Myles’ couples baby shower… 
Trader Joes to the rescue as always! 

guest favors… the tastiest cookies via @summerdeepe and party printables from the fabulous Beth Hart Designs

the gorgeous mama… lucky to call this one a friend! 

morning date to church with my little mini me… we were actively trying to
avoid getting sick since big sister was under the weather

my fabulous new gift tags from the marvelous Bella Carta Boutique… Jillian does THE best work and her prices are unbelievable

working with my big girl on learning to draw her alphabet.. in the market to work with your own student-in-training? Get the Kindergarten Toolkit… you won’t be disappointed!

celebrated with my girl Rachel as she embarked on her new business called Ceremony + Fuss… the cutest gift box shop where you can purchase “fussboxes” to send to friends and loved ones for new arrivals, just because, getting married, and more to come! So proud of you friend!! 

always sporting that beloved orange on Fridays and Saturdays is a tradition for us… and I’m loving this “Feels Like ’98” tank from Give Her Six [sizing runs small and I got a medium for reference]

  1. rachel says:

    Could you be any more gorgeous?? So glad you love your fussbox my gem of a friend! 🙂

  2. Meredith says:

    I'm so glad I saw you post about the kindergarten tool kit. We love it!!

  3. Cermony + Fuss looks sooo fun! Brilliant idea! And yay for Sugar Bit successes as well — champs definitely necessary. 🙂

  4. Lea says:

    Well, one thing for sure you do not lead a boring life. Would love to be near enough to attend the trunk showing. Blessings abundant!

  5. Yaay for Sugarbit growth!! Love the idea of the gift tags – much less than buying cards that people likely toss! What an awesome idea that Ceremony + Fuss is!! I will definitely have to remember them!! & I am looking into the Kindergarten Toolkit! Don't need it just yet but, I want to remember it for the future!

  6. Angie says:

    Totally going to check out that Kindergarten Tool Kit for my Miss Annalee

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