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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Scenes From the Weekend… 24 Hours in Knoxville!


November 10, 2015

It was fast-paced, quick, and slightly way too much activity packed into one full weekend, but I survived and even remembered to take some fun pics to share, too! 
On the road again to Knoxville… for my third trip in less than two months only to go back in another 2 weeks! Man I wish I could rack up Sugar Bit road mileage 😉 
And yes, a holly jolly red cup picture was necessary as I was on caffeine overload by the time I reached Cookeville [and no, I haven’t read the news where everyone is so upset about the red cups… can’t we all just get along??]
Friday night, we got dressed up and headed to Lisa and Donny’s engagement party to celebrate their upcoming nuptuals… now she is living in NYC and I am beyond jealous for their big apple adventure! 
 me and the beautiful bride to be
[outfit details per request… print long sleeve dress]
 and of course a proper picture of the three musketeers…
otherwise known as my hot dates for the evening
The next morning we were up and at it early running a few party errands before heading to Concord Park to help Bev set-up for Brooks’ Gone Fishin’ Party… of course all the details made it super cute and special and it was a fun morning celebrating our one-year old sweetie pie! 
 tackle boxes with worms for favors… ADORABLE

The rest of the weekend was spent doing the normal Saturday and Sunday activities, as well as church and small group. I had my Sugar Bit helpers over Sunday afternoon for a training session so they could learn everything there is to know in preparation for Christmas Village! Back to the daily grind for this mama… hope you’re having a wonderful week friends. 
  1. Maydelin says:

    It seems like a fun weekend!! and I love the decorations of the party, so clever

  2. I am going to be in Nashville for the 1st time this weekend! Any thing you suggest going to see? I am going to be there for a wedding.

  3. Jillian says:

    the birthday decorations are really cute! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  4. Tess says:

    What a darling party theme! Glad you had a fun weekend!

  5. What a pretty dress! Looks like it was a blast.

  6. Kelly-Belly says:

    So cute as always….I really love that last picture of you. 🙂 Hope you have a good week too.

  7. What a cute party theme… I love the little "tackle boxes"!!!

  8. Chandler W. says:

    Love the party decorations! Seems like a great weekend 🙂 Also love that printed dress!!

  9. Armile Frank says:

    Very nice pictures. It is so beautiful.

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