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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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these are my confessions || volume 3


November 12, 2015

ONE || I’m so happy we decided not to travel over the holidays this year… it’s going to be much more relaxing and I know it’s going to make for quality time with the three I love spending time with most!
TWO || Over the past few weeks, I have attended various networking events and gatherings for all sorts of things going on in Nashville and I have to say I’ve been able to meet some famous peeps and ones that act like they’re famous. What I’m trying to say is that whenever you meet someone, your gut instinct usually doesn’t lie and some “big time” bloggers who think they are over the moon amazing weren’t my cup of tea… we’re all just regular people doing the best we can, so play nice you “famous” people 😉
THREE || I’m fairly certain our family is complete with two babies… there I said it. Is it bad that if I say it on here it must be true? Although sometimes God has other plans so we’ll say 90% done.  
FOUR || I am having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year… I’m a holiday fanatic, but with 70 degree weather doom and gloom here in Nashville and constantly working on Sugar Bit retail, I’ve been a bit like the Scrooge and haven’t done a lot of shopping… like, at all.

FIVE || Quality blogging content is something I am struggling with more and more as of late… please tell me this is just a “season” or help me come up with something creative! 

SIX || I cannot get to a place where I like the lace up dressy shoes that I’m seeing so many fashion bloggers wear… they make me think of saloon girls in the Wild Wild West and I am just not digging this trend. For now, I will stick to all things Booties, Rain Boots, and Wedges

SEVEN || I’m officially checking out for the remainder of the week due to Christmas Village, which starts tonight with Sneak-A-Peak and goes through Sunday. I’m so over-the-moon excited for our first year to exhibit that I haven’t slept at all the past few nights… we can’t wait to share some Sugar Bit love with Nashville friends and followers so if you come, PLEASE come by our booth in Area 5, Booth 65 and say hello! Would love to see some of your beautiful smiling faces in the crowd. And P.S. I’ll apologize ahead of time if my voice is gone or I look exhausted… I’m already running on adrenaline and I have a LONG way to go! 

  1. Kelly says:

    As for blog content — I love posts like these!! Real life, real thoughts, all that's what I come back for. And I love a good party recap whenever those happen:)

    I'll be at Christmas Village with my mom & my little bit tomorrow, so I'll make sure and stop by to say hello!!! Can't wait!

  2. Hannah says:

    I am feeling you on the lace up shoes. They do NOT look comfy at all. I'll stick with my booties 🙂

  3. I've always loved when you do your day in the life posts or when you post about current workouts. As a fellow mama who juggles the working from home with young babies I love to see how other mamas do their days! And I love Christmas markets and craft fairs – if you have time it'd be fun for you to do a post showcasing a few fun goodies that you saw while you were there.

  4. Kris M. says:

    I love your blog lately! I think you have the most original content. You are so right about meeting people and I always felt "if you're thinking it, everyone is thinking it.". I think it would be so so awesome if you had a baby BOY–he would be the cutest little guy ever! Good luck with Christmas Village!

  5. Cara Griffin says:

    I agree with the lace up's… I just can't seem to jump on board. I just bought those wedge booties a couple days ago in black. 🙂

  6. I love when you post about your family and what you've been up to! More pics of your darling little daughters, please 🙂 Good luck at Christmas Village!

  7. Karra says:

    I think about having to lace up those boots and I don't want to deal with that-haha booties and rain boots for life 😉 and I so wish I had a craft fair to go to. Good luck!

  8. Jess Scott says:

    Have such a good time this weekend!! We are not traveling for the holidays, either, and I am SO HAPPY! And the boots…love your picks. Don't love the lace ups!

  9. SLH says:

    Amen! It's November, enough with this 70 degree weather. I can't enjoy a red cup when it's swimming weather.

  10. I feel like bloggers can be let downs when they are soo different than their blogs. Because we share a lot of our personality whatever we are writing about so it has happened to me once where the person was just SO different than the "the blogger." I didn't even have expectations, honestly. But it was just like one seemed kind and the other seemed…not. I've been struggling with content too lately and vented about it last week. I feel like a lot of the bloggers I love to read are feeling burnt out and I wonder why. Could it be that everyone and their mom is trying to be famous whereas before people were just doing them? I don't know.

  11. Good luck at the Christmas Village!!

  12. Not A Mom says:

    haha, love #2! Thanks for being so honest and down to earth! We most definitely all hit a creative block, I am a blogging newbie and it's already a struggle at some times for me. I can totally relate to the warm weather putting a damper on things, I'm in Alabama and I'm wearing shorts today…It's november #smh!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  13. I have so much to say… where to begin! First so glad you're not traveling this holiday season! I'm sure it takes a huge stress off you and your girls can enjoy just being home for the holidays, which is something I always loved as a kid. Oh and I totally get what you mean about some "big" bloggers. I've met a few in my area and most are really nice and normal, but some others think they are celebrities. I've since unfollowed them after meeting them and realizing they're not as cool as they seem. On the baby front, I am done after this one. I think. I couldn't imagine being pregnant again, but God always has other plans, so whatever will be will be, right? And I feel you on the lace up shoes! I'm looking forward to the arrival of my new Hunters today! xoxoxo lady!

  14. I love this post !!! Real life talk can be exactly what some of us need to hear . Drink a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks play some Christmas Music and maybe you'll start thinking about Christmas !

  15. Christina says:

    I absolutely love your blog posts that are just about your "everyday." It's life, it's honest, and it's real!
    Also, I have to agree with your opinion of the lace up shoe…I have yet to like them styled any which way!

  16. Jenn says:

    This weather is seriously throwing off my holiday cheer also! I just wish it would be chilly already!

  17. E Hayes says:

    Ha, I don't like the lace up ballet flat things either, I have a feeling too it's going to be a very quick trend. In and out, fast fashion. When it comes to shoes, I'm a classic girl. I'd rather spend more on something timeless and get smaller (cheaper) trendy accessories.

  18. im excited not to travel for christmas! it'll be nice for violet to spend her first christmas at home. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  19. Sarah says:

    I loved this post! I am also a WFH mama of two daughters – ages 3 and 2 – so we are in the same boat girlie!! I've actually been dying to get a kitten, Lord knows why, but that's what's on my heart. As far as another baby, I go back and forth. Sometimes I want four kids, other times I'm content with our two. I feel our family is complete, yet it wouldn't completely surprise me if we had another a few years down the line. You never know!!

    And my favorite posts are the "day in the life" ones, the confessions ones, etc. Ooo and you should do a Christmas house tour!!! I'm also not quite in the spirit – life is just so busy lately. I do plan on decorating tomorrow though!

    Hope you have a good weekend! Good luck with Christmas Village!!!

    – Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com

  20. Sarah says:

    I loved this post! I am also a WFH mama of two daughters – ages 3 and 2 – so we are in the same boat girlie!! I've actually been dying to get a kitten, Lord knows why, but that's what's on my heart. As far as another baby, I go back and forth. Sometimes I want four kids, other times I'm content with our two. I feel our family is complete, yet it wouldn't completely surprise me if we had another a few years down the line. You never know!!

    And my favorite posts are the "day in the life" ones, the confessions ones, etc. Ooo and you should do a Christmas house tour!!! I'm also not quite in the spirit – life is just so busy lately. I do plan on decorating tomorrow though!

    Hope you have a good weekend! Good luck with Christmas Village!!!

    – Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com

  21. I have always wondered if there comes a time when you have "that feeling" that your family is complete? We have two precious girls (age 3.5 and 18 months) and I definitely like we are not done! As for big time bloggers – they aren't always as nice as you would like x

  22. Not traveling over the holidays is going to be so much less stressful! I love seeing both sides of our families on Christmas Day but it's also exhausting… no getting around that!

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