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Five on Friday || I’m BACK


January 22, 2016

One || Recent Fashion Hits

I know the weather may say winter is still here and that’s not about to change anytime soon, but I’ve got spring fashion on my mind and it’s all I can think about… bring on the warm weather, sandals, short dresses, and bright colors! Here are some recent additions to the wardrobe that are just itching to be worn 😉
Two || Simplicity Challenge
Have any of you out there in blogging land been participating in Emily Ley’s Simplicity Challenge? Today marks day 20 of the 30 day challenge and I have been so pleased to step out of my comfort zone and jump head first into this program. It’s shown me that small changes add up to big results and I am truly enjoying her tasks each day… favorites so far have been cleaning out my medicine cabinet, submitting our phone numbers to the do not call list, deleting old contacts/apps/information from my phone, and throwing out bags of random “stuff” and donating old clothes… what about you?? 

Three || Real Home Chef
I might be late to jump onto the fresh-to-order home food delivery bandwagon, but I’m glad I didn’t hesitate to taste the goodness of Real Home Chef! The scenario is simple… you get meals delivered weekly right to your front door, complete with ALL the necessary ingredients [yes, even the rarely used, odd ones] and step-by-step picture instructions to walk you through the 30-minutes or less process. Jeff and I had a ball with our first box this past week… neopolitan pizzas, bistro steak, and a one pot sweet potato and bacon skillet = all fantastic, even for picky eaters like myself. Interested in sampling for yourself? You can get $30 off your first box by using discount code INSTACHEF. 

Four || Lara Casey’s Power Sheets
Anyone out there purchased the infamous 2016 PowerSheets?? I placed my pre-order a few weeks ago and I am counting down the days until I see a shipment email telling me they are on their way. I’m REALLY trying to streamline my personal and business goals this year and make 2016 great so these seemed to be a must-have in so many of yall’s IG feeds… Lara’s hosting a free webinar next week online to help us get fired up to take on 2016 and I cannot wait! Also, anyone used these before?? If so, tell me what worked/didn’t work for you. 

Five || God Answers Prayers
I’ve been digging deep lately and asking BIG things from the guy up above and as of this week, I know He answers our prayers… don’t be frightened to ask him for very specific things as He will guide you and He will give you the courage to fight, the comfort you seek, and the prayers you want answered. My family is fighting lots of battles during this season of life, but we received some incredible news this week and things are looking up… remember, He won’t know if you don’t ask. 


  1. Kate says:

    I've been loving Emily's Simplicity challenge too! I also bought Lara's powersheets this year and am (slowly ha!) working through them…but they're amazing! Hope yours arrive soon! Have a great weekend!

  2. LOVE this five!! I have also been doing the simplicity challenge, and loving it! And I am slowly working through my Powersheets! x

  3. Love that cobalt blue dress! And yes, the Emily Ley challenge has been awesome! 🙂 Oh, and prayers. Praying always, always, always makes me feel better. Glad it's helped you too. Xoxo! Have a happy weekend, friend!

  4. i love that stripe dress! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  5. scoop-ohio says:

    As always loving the dresses you find!!! How do the first two run in size? Does the yellow one have a boxy fit at all?

  6. Jenn says:

    Have been doing my own simplicity challenge without knowing about this one! You would think I'm pregnant and nesting with all this cleaning and purging I've been doing lately! haha-i'm totally not though. I hope things get better for you and your sweet family! Will be praying for you all! 🙂

  7. Tess says:

    I love this "he won't know if you don't ask"…..so true and so powerful.

  8. Our family is up against quite a bit right now too and I have been heavily relying on scriptures and my daily devotions! I feel so much better after I read and let it soak in! Thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  9. Just Jess says:

    Oh my! I love all of your five. I am also slowly going though Emily's challenge and love my Powersheets! I highly recommend watching Lara's periscopes where she went through the beginning pages. It made it seem less overwhelming. I have been debating an at home chef box so I will look into this one. I have been feeling the same way about my relationship with the Lord and hope for more answered prayers in the furture, but for now I will try to listen and obey.
    Jess at Just Jess

  10. Meg Siobhan says:

    That patterned shift dress is gorgeous!

    Meg | A Little Twist Of…

  11. Andrea says:

    I have been following your Simplicity Challenge on IG and I love it! Of course, I haven't quite put anything in to action… :/ Next month!


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