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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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the infamous new year’s lip sync challenge party || recap AND video


January 19, 2016

I know, I know… I have been a slacker when it comes to all things holiday and recapping the festive season we just left behind, but this one is worth the wait I assure you! As previously mentioned, Jeff decided to go ALL out this New Year’s Eve and host a Lip Sync Challenge Party for our nearest and dearest. 
We rented out the neighborhood clubhouse, hired an awesome caterer [High Cotton Catering for anyone local needing a great menu], booked a professional DJ, and of course sent out rules and guidelines prior to the big event so everyone could prepare accordingly. His motto has always been “go big or go home” and he sure didn’t disappoint with this one! 
++p.s. ignore the horrid lighting and iPhone pic quality… womp womp++

From the Blues Brothers to NSYNC, Vanilla Ice to 80’s Teen Sensation Tiffany, System of a Down, and our Old School Rap Medley, the lip sync battle didn’t disappoint, though I’m happy to report that Meg and I took home the microphone trophy and I might be taunting Jeff with my win daily… AND without further adieu, based on overwhelming audiences begging to see the full show, here we are for our music video debut! ENJOY FRIENDS

  1. What a fun idea for a New Years Eve party!!

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  2. Awesome FUN !!! Love all the pictures !

  3. So freaking awesome LOVE the dance moves girlfriend!

  4. Liesl says:

    What FUN, Natasha, and you look as adorable as ever! I wanted to stop in and say, "hello," now that I'm fully back to blogging weekly, and thank you so much for your support over the years…loving your blog, as always, and enjoying catching back up. Continued success with everything!!! 🙂

  5. Maria says:

    The video won't show up for me 🙁

  6. I definitely dream about going to this party place again. The live music at event space San Francisco was an added bonus, providing a backdrop for the fun hours spent imbibing, tasting, and chatting up with the breweries and beer distributors.

  7. Laura Graham says:

    Um, That was AMAZING! I bow to your amazing dance skillz and excellent co-ordination even on New Years Eve 🙂

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