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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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25 Years Strong… Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!


March 11, 2016

This Sunday, March 13th, marks my parent’s 25th wedding anniversary… I simply cannot believe that they are celebrating such a BIG, momentous milestone together and I am so fortunate to have this platform to be able to give a little bit of love to the world’s best parents [and no, I’m not biased at all, right?!?!]

To the two who taught me so much about life, guided me, stood by me through thick and thin, and have always been my two biggest cheerleaders, thank you. Thank you for the hard work ethic, for the drive and motivation to always do my best, for never allowing me to take no for an answer, for never settling for mediocre, for showing me about the kind of parent I want to be to my girls, and for helping me be a better wife and Christian. 
I’m in awe of everything you two have accomplished… through the moves [oh how many houses did we live in when I was growing up?!?!], to the once-in-a-lifetime trips you took us on, to the nights we stayed in watching movies and playing cards, to the yearly beach trips, to the days you spent hours with me in the backyard perfecting my softball pitching skills, thank you is not even close to enough for the life lessons you have instilled in me along the way, and continue to teach even now. 
You have always demonstrated what I hope to accomplish… to be exceptional parents, to be an amazing support system as my kids mature, to show that family always comes first, and you’ve always had an open door policy which you still do now. This may be why Jeff and I seek your opinions on so many decisions we make together, as I know you have learned so much throughout the years and your wisdom is something both Jeff and I admire as your road hasn’t always been easy, but you have always gone above and beyond. 

Mom and Dad, I hope you enjoy this weekend, just the two of you, taking some time for some well-deserved R&R and to look back on 25 incredible years you’ve shared together… I love you more than you will ever know and I am SO proud to be your daughter. 


  1. Happy Anniversary to your parents! I hope they enjoy a beautiful celebration of this wonderful milestone!!
    xo – Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  2. What an amazing milestone, definitely rare these days but SO special! Prayers for many more years for them! <3

  3. Aw this is so sweet! Happy Anniversary to your parents!! This is a big milestone 🙂

  4. Aren't they adorable! Happy Anniversary!

  5. Melanie says:

    Happy Anniversary to your parents!!! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  6. little b says:

    In that cruise pic (I think it's a cruise?) your dad looks about 12 years old – I love it! Happy 25th to them!

  7. Tess says:

    I love the flashback pics! What a sweet post

  8. rachel says:

    They are just the cutest!! Cheers to your sweet parents!

  9. Jillian says:

    aww this is so sweet! happy anniversary to them! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  10. 25 years is an amazing milestone and so much to look up to! Happy Anniversary to your parents!
    Chasing Texas

  11. Sara McCarty says:

    Oh my lands, your folks are the cutest!!! Absolutely adorable! Happy anniversary!!

  12. That's awesome! Congrats to your parents! I hope that my marriage lasts that long and more!


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