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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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five on friday || spring is here… no turning back!


March 18, 2016

ONE || Hydrate in Style

I have started to believe I have a hoarding problem when it comes to water bottles… maybe I need various options to match my activewear attire [going to target in my activewear, activewear], but whatever the reason I have been partaking in a little water bottle purchasing action as of late… though some of these may be gifted to friends and family as fun little giftables! 

TWO || Maxis All Day Every Day

I was giving Caroline a hard time the other day regarding her love of any and all maxi dresses and now I know where she gets it from… Me! I’ve created a maxi monster I tell you. Oh well, it is what it is and at least it is an outfit that’s cute, comfy, and takes the guess work out of picking outfits out for my big girl each day. I just stocked up on a few new ones myself and I have a feeling I may need to order more… when you find something you like, you buy it in every color 😉 Best of all, these are all budget friendly. 
THREE || Baby Shower Madness
Last weekend, we celebrated Baby Sydney’s baby shower thrown my the ladies in my bunco group to shower our dear Rachel… the first of three baby girl showers I am throwing this spring, and it was the perfect afternoon spoiling their soon-to-debut little angel… we are already getting excited to meet this precious baby and I know her parents are over the moon! As always, thanks to my girl Beth Hart for the amazing paper goods. 

FOUR|| Birthday Party Fun
Tomorrow is Tuttie’s birthday party at Jumpstreet and I am counting down the hours until we get to spend the morning with friends and family jumping away on the trampolines and celebrating our special Cinderella princess

FIVE || The Tween Scene

We are branching into a brand new wave of fashion over at Sugar Bit and are looking for the perfect Tween Brand Reps to help share our newest collection off to friends, fans, and social media networks. Interested or know someone who would be a great fit?? See details below! P.S. this tween thing is HARD… like whoa! 

That’s all for this week’s Five on Friday roundup friends… be sure to head to my dear April and Chrstina’s blogs to check in and link-up below, too!! 

  1. Hi, Rhonda here from GA, I love your dress that you wore to the baby shower. What brand?? Where did you get it? Love reading your blog.

  2. Chasity Munn says:

    Oh my gosh, TWEENS! I have a couple of friends with little girls who might be interested. I'll ask them. Can't wait to see pics of Birthday Number FOUR!! http://www.hautemommyblog.com

  3. Those water bottles are amazing! I'm partial to the gold and the striped ones. And is it bad that I'd love my next birthday to have that princess theme?!

  4. I love your dress and your pregnant friend's too! Yall are TOO cute!

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