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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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My New Favorite Swimwear || Kortni Jeane


March 9, 2016

Oh goodness, let me tell you friends… suddenly this year, it hit me like a ton of bricks: I’m 32 and I need some new, mom-friendly, play on the beach with my kids swimsuits… yes, the ones that are flattering, age appropriate, supportive, and yet still FUN. 

Behold the greatness of Kortni Jeane, a brand of swimwear that suits a multitude of body types… real women with real curves who want to get out there and enjoy some fun in the sun! Best of all, their endless assortment of mix ‘n match styles offers something for everyone and they embrace just how unique all of us are… I was hooked from the moment I started browsing their website. 

Let’s face it, I’ve had two kids, don’t make it to the gym as often as I wish, and can’t help but indulge in some cocktails and ice cream every now and then so I am thankful to have found a line that fits my body, but still looks fresh and youthful and wows with bold prints and fun colors… as you know I LOVE me some bright tones! 

When my new swimmers arrived, and I tried them on, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear… I felt confident, happy, and even though I don’t have the perfect body, I am proud of the way I look… I’m a normal gal just doing the best I can and cannot wait for warm weather to get out and enjoy this season of life with my girls and my sweet hubby. 

With unlimited options from v-neck and sweetheart and swing tops to ruched and peplum bottoms and even matching swimwear for the minis and your guys, you can truly create a suit that is perfect for you and your body type… and then get excited for all the fun times to come this spring and summer! 

They recently relaunched their popular “fruit” collection, which is available in limited sizes and once it’s gone, it’s gone for good… so if you’ve had your eye on something special, don’t wait… I cannot wait to add more of their colorful swimmers to my growing collection for the beach in May. 
Want to learn more about the Kortni Jeane brand? Check them out via Facebook || Instagram || Pinterest

Photography via Alli Golden 

++thank you to my friends at Kortni Jeane for collaborating with me on this fun feature++
  1. So so cute on you Natasha!

  2. I love this! I've been looking everywhere for a new swimsuit, your post was perfectly timed!

  3. E Hayes says:

    You look adorable!

  4. Kelly says:

    Those are so ridiculously cute!!! Love it! You do such a good job of wearing adorable things that are stylish but lifestyle-appropriate without ever looking matronly. I go to you for style inspiration all the time! 🙂

  5. Those are both such fun swimsuits! You look great!

  6. Melanie says:

    Very very cute!! I love that the swimsuits are separates so you can mix and match!! Love the colors!! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  7. Stunning – rocking it! x

  8. What a FUN line of swimwear! Looks very comfortable 🙂

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  9. Hannah says:

    LOVE these and I love that the website shows the swimsuits on a variety of body shapes. I'll be ordering some for summer for sure 🙂

  10. Kelly-Belly says:

    You look amazing as always. I love the classy and ladylike look! Sure wish more people wore stuff like this. 🙂

  11. Vanessa says:

    These speak to my heart!!! Seriously LOVE!

  12. Unknown says:

    I've been looking at those online and thing the swing top looks adorable!! So glad to see you try it. I'm worried the loose fabric would be a "floater" when in the water. Is there support/coverage built in?

  13. These are SO cute!! I hate how typically swim suits are either fun string bikinis or the ugly black "mom" one piece. Love this line though. Thanks for sharing!!

  14. Casey says:

    Those swimsuits are gorgeous and so are you! They're so feminine and stylish! Definitely going to need to try that brand for this summer!

    Casey | http://www.frenchblissme.com

  15. Jillian says:

    CUTE bathing suit!! i love that high-waisted bottoms. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  16. rachel says:

    You are the absolute cutest!!! You look AMAZING! And how fun and darling are these swimmers?? I need!!

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