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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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To My Hubby on Your Birthday… #32


March 14, 2016

Don’t you worry babe, I could never forget your special day… today is all about celebrating you, even if you are having to travel for work. Just know your girls, all three of us, love you more than anything and we are lucky to have you! 
As we celebrate your 33rd birthday, it’s amazing that this is the 7th year we have spent this day relishing in you growing a year older, and catching up to me… it seems like yesterday we were dating, going on fun weekend trips all over the place, going out to late night date dinners, and spending our free time lounging on the couch or hanging out with our friends. As amazing as that season in our life was, I have to admit that this is far better… 
The life you and I have made together is beyond anything I ever could have fathomed and I have you to thank for making my dreams come true… sure, we’ve faced hard times and have had to overcome obstacles, but I know with you by my side, anything is possible and life is a gift I don’t ever intend to waste. The gifts of our girls has been the biggest blessing and I know it just keeps getting better and better. 
I love you Jeff… forever and always. Happy Birthday Babe! OXOX

  1. Melanie says:

    Awww Happy Birthday to your husband!! =)

  2. Happy birthday to your hubs!

  3. brittany says:

    happy happy birthday to your husband!!

  4. Your bday posts for Jeff are always the sweetest! He's the best daddy! Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!!!!!!

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