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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Mealtime with Toddlers || Boon To the Rescue


April 22, 2016

TGIF friends… I’m jumping up and down in excitement since we’ve made it through another work week of crazy schedules and we get to have a fun, relaxing weekend at home! 
But before we rush off to a weekend of fun, today I’m here with my friends at Boon to talk all things cooking, with the help of some handy dandy helpers, also known as Caroline and Carson. We have been using Boon products since the girls were tiny babies [the Grass Drying Rack and Dive Bath Appliques were lifesavers and are still household favs] but now as they are growing, we have found ourselves turning to their feeding line of essentials and utensils to help us prep for dinnertime… from start to finish! 

Wednesday night, we decided to whip up something easy, fresh, and full of fruit and we got to work making an Almond, Berry, and Chicken Spinach Salad via Chelsea’s Messy Apron [P.S. we did modify a bit because we had blackberries instead of blueberries, but everything else was used as the original recipe]

For meal prep, the girls helped me section out our strawberries and blackberries as well as the clementines we peeled… my little helpers LOVE to assist when it comes to eating, mainly so they can taste test and these edge less plates made it easy for little hands to work their magic. The flatware is also a big hit because they can help cut up small food items and it’s safe, as well. 

Once our salad was assembled and all ready to go, the girls help me divide their favorites into their divided platters so nothing touches… and yes, we have some picky ones over here in this house! And check out the finished product… quick, easy, and perfect for warm weather. It got the stamp of approval from the entire family so this one will be entering our dinner rotation! 

As for cleaning up, we turned  to two items that Boon recently came out with… the SPAN and the FORB MINI! The FORB MINI made it easy to wash down our new Boon dinner plates, and I love the fact it’s small, silicone so it doesn’t scratch, easy to use, and you simply push down on top for the soap to dispense… not to mention it’s not an eyesore of a dish brush either! 

Now I’ve saved the best for last… you know how much you LOATHE loading the dishwasher, especially when it comes to bottles, sippy cups, toddler plates, etc? Yeah me too… until I used the SPAN! It’s a stretchable, silicone net that neatly goes over all those loose items to secure and hold them tight during the dish washing cycle… genius! All you do is simply clip it onto the sides of your dishwasher baskets and voila. 
I was a little hesitant about using the SPAN, but I’ve quickly been converted into a believer for this dishwasher wonder worker… 

Interested in buying these for yourself? You can find them online at Target here and here.

Disclaimer: As part of a featured collaboration with Boon, I received these Boon samples for review… though as always, all thoughts and opinions expressed above are that of Hello! Happiness and I only partner with companies I genuinely support and wholeheartedly love. 
  1. That dishwasher gadget is brilliant!

  2. Erin Ross says:

    too many sponsored posts!

    • Sorry you don't like the sponsored posts Erin… Boon is a company I have supported from the time Caroline was born and it's a brand I still use in my home and will continue to do so. I am simply trying to show off fun new products from their collection that could help other moms out there and make life easier. If I offended you, I'm sorry, but these types of post can be informative and I didn't receive any type of monetary compensation… I am talking about a brand I truly love and use.

  3. Laura says:

    Love Boon! I need to give that span thing a try!

  4. matt says:

    Your salad looks so good!!!

  5. That flower dish brush is precious! I have one picky eater and one not-so-picky eater but we still enjoy using divided plates 😉

  6. I love ALL of it!! Boon is the best! xx

  7. I don't even have kids and I want that dishwasher thing for my stuff!

  8. Liesl says:

    So bright, colorful and fresh, I love it…even if I'm not a kid, it makes it all the more fun! 🙂 Hope you are well, Natasha, it's been fun catching back up on your lovely blog! 🙂

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