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A Big Weekend Full of Fun


June 14, 2016

First things first… Caroline’s dance recital, also known as the absolute cutest thing ever! Saturday morning this mama ran around like crazy, making sure our presentation flowers were purchased, all hair and makeup was in place, and then drove to the recital venue to drop off our little dancer.
We were so happy that Gran and Papa, Mimi and Pappy, and Kara were able to spend their Saturday afternoon with us and watching CC for her first ballet recital… she was so excited to have us all there! The theme of this year’s recital was All Around the World and their song was A Whole New World… of course she was absolutely the cutest thing ever and not only danced, but sang the song, too.

Afterwards, the girls headed to Mimi and Pap’s house for a weekend vacation so Jeff and I could enjoy our anniversary and some solo time. You other parents out there will absolutely know the feeling of how strange it is to come home to a quiet house and no little ones running ahead… eery and nice, but way too silent! That night, we headed to our favorite steakhouse, Kayne Prime, for a late night dinner at 9pm and of course stuffed ourselves silly, as always.

Sunday morning, we headed up to the lake for the day, taking in the sights of Lynchburg and Barrelhouse BBQ for lunch, and then spending the rest of the day out on the lake… I had my first attempt at wakesurfing and let’s just say it’s a work in progress… no X-Games participation for me anytime soon!

  1. ahh a weekend without the kids, now that is happy! Albeit much quieter. Looks like you used your time wisely! And, little kid dance recitals are the cutest!

  2. Kelly-Belly says:

    Awww, I love posts like this…too cute! 🙂

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  4. Caroline looks darling in her little dance recital costume!

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