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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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five on friday


July 1, 2016

ONE || 4th of July Food 
July 4th is inching closer and I have a feeling you’ve got some plans that involve grilling with friends, or picnicking with the family.. Today I’m hosting a little recipe swap with fellow lifestyle blogger Stephanie Spring. She’s got some tasty goodies worthy of any Independence Day celebration and this fan favorite, Summer Quinoa Salad, is easy to make, light, and delightfully fresh. You can also follow Stephanie here for more recipe ideas and inspiration!

Summer Quinoa Salad Recipe at: Stephanie-spring.com Summer Quinoa Salad Recipe at: Stephanie-spring.comSummer Quinoa Salad Recipe at: Stephanie-spring.com

TWO || Seven Secrets to a Bright Smile
I recently worked with my friends at SheKnows on a campaign for something we all want… white teeth!! Most of us are willing to jump through hoops to obtain them, but I listed a few secrets to a super white smile… you can read the full article HERE. And yes, that includes sporting some pretty, bright, and bold lips too 😉

THREE || All Things Red, White, and Blue
So many patriotic sales going on this weekend! If you’re on the hunt for fashion, furniture, or anything online, be sure to check out your favorite sites for some must-have sale savings… I’ve rounded up a few American staples that are all on major sale right now, too.

FOUR || TV Time
Now that some of our favorite go-to shows are on summer hiatus, I’m hoping I can find a new show for Jeff and I to watch together… let’s face it, he is a TV connoisseur, yet my tastes tend to stay towards the Real Housewives franchises, unless we’re talking Game of Thrones and Homeland and then I’m hooked. So for you fans out there, what should our next series be?!?!?! I want your thoughts on Downton Abbey and Orange is the New Black…

FIVE || Independence Day 
I am SUPER excited to get the long, holiday weekend started!! Taking the afternoon off so I can enjoy some BFF time by the pool with Meg, then tomorrow we are off to the Hickok’s Annual July 4th Party with the kiddos [to be dressed in all-American colors of course], and then we’re spending the rest of the weekend at the lake… taking in some sun, plenty of cocktails, cookouts, and fireworks too. Cheers to the next few days of R&R and celebrating the land that I love.

  1. Andrea says:

    I have been using that toothpaste for a couple of weeks now…love it!

  2. Natalie says:

    I only watched one season of orange and after couldn't do it anymore. If you haven't picked up Suits yet I would highly recommend. Gabriel macht isn't bad to look at either

  3. My husband liked Orange is the New Black but it was just too much for me. I loooove Downton Abbey but it was way tooooo slow for my husband. Have a great 4th!!

  4. Erika Lynn says:

    I have been really wanting to watch Orange Is The New Black. But it is totally guilty pleasure TV season for me with America's Got Talent and Big Brother both on!

  5. I am definitely guilty of binge watching Orange is the New Black! I was hooked after a few episodes. I think has a good mix of comedy, drama, thrill, and romance. 🙂

  6. Have a fabulous 4th of July weekend! We are huge Downton Abbey fans and were so sad when the series came to an end! Another great one to binge watch, in conjunction with Downton Abbey is Peaky Blinders. It's another BBC series, set in England in a similar time period, but in industrial England…a great, gritty contrast to Downton!

  7. Have a great 4th! We loved the first season of Orange is the New Black and then season 2 we didn't like as much, so we stopped watching, but I heard this new season is awesome.

  8. I loved swapping recipes! Have a great fourth of July! xo

  9. Ashley B says:

    I've watched both… And to me Downton Abby is the MUST watch!!

  10. Downton Abbey gets my vote! Orange is the New Black is good…but you will fall in LOVE with Downton!! 🙂 have a great 4th! genevieve

  11. LOVE those 4th July outfits x

  12. Megan says:

    OITNB all the way. It can be a tad raunchy, so prepare yourself.

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