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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Gymboree’s One Big Back to School Campaign || Everyday Fun in Our Activewear


July 29, 2016

August is inching closer and closer and that means all things Back to School is quickly approaching for many of us… I can’t lie, any excuse to browse the school supplies is A-OK by me.

Today I’m partnering up with my friends at Gymboree to talk about our play day traditions and how Gymboree’s new line of activewear is the perfect staple for my girls’ who love to get outside and make the most of these long summer days.

Gymboree celebrates the essence of childhood, and has been doing so for more than 30 years, dressing kids from newborn through 12 year olds, and they offer colorful, head to toe clothing and accessory collections with quality clothes that let kids be kids.

What is One Big Happy?

One Big Happy celebrates life’s milestones, both big and small… her first visit from the tooth fairy, their first backyard campout, after dinner dance parties, the list goes on and on! Learn more by watching the One Big Happy Commercial

Caroline and Carson LOVE activewear [now this song is in my headPS this is SO my life]… and dressing the part, since I’m usually sporting some leggings and tanks myself. Color coordination at its best and these new separates are going to be on repeat for the next few months as we transition back into our school routines and temps get a little cooler. The Gymgo Collection is practical,  machine washable, easy to mix and match, and make for happy outings, occasions, and spontaneous adventures! 
My girls love taking walks around the neighborhood, scouting out the family of geese, walking our dog Chloe, and getting some exercise in the afternoons before dinner, when it’s a bit cooler. And you can bet we cool off with porch side popsicle rendezvous, too! And let’s not forget about our jumphouse that’s on regular repeat for when we need to burn off some extra energy.
Gymgo is comfy, built for play, and comes in bright, bold colorways… if there were coordinating mom styles, you could assume this lady would be the first in line!

Caroline starts soccer this fall and I cannot wait to see her on the field with her teammates and us parents screaming like crazy people… this should be SO much fun. I think Jeff is hoping his soccer skills rub off on our big girl and she scores a few goals this season. 

What’s your favorite items from the Gymgo collection?? I’m all about the active hoodies, skorts [the cutest things ever], the patterned shorts, and leggings… and boy moms, there are a ton of options for your little guys, too!
Interested in taking home some of the Gymgo goodies for your little star?? I’m giving away a $50 gift card to one lucky friend… all you need to do to enter is “like” Gymboree on Facebook AND follow Gymboree on Instagram. Be sure to then leave a comment below telling me you’ve completed both requests and you’re all set. [contest runs through 8/5/16]

FTC Disclosure: As always, a big thanks to my friends at Gymboree for sponsoring this post. All opinions, ideas, expressed content, and photos belong to Hello Happiness…thanks for reading! 

  1. Kelley Lego says:

    I have liked both !! I love Gymboree there Jammies are the best !!!

  2. I completed!! Love Gymboree for play clothes!

  3. Kara Galea says:

    Completed both! Such cute stuff!

  4. I just bought a bunch from Gymboree and specifically that new active line for Elin. So cute!! Also, perfect to tball practice!

  5. Kris Berg says:

    I completed both and LOVE the new lines

  6. Completed both! Would love this for my two girlies!!

  7. Liz F. says:

    Just completed both– my daughter loves her Gymboree play clothes!

  8. Liked both and LOVE Gymboree!

  9. Robin says:

    Done! Love their clothes!!

  10. Tiffany says:

    I liked both. Those outfits are adorable!

  11. Amanda says:

    I liked both! Love Gymboree for both my girls!

  12. Angie Clark says:

    Done and done!!!! Thanks for the chance!

  13. lisa ehlers says:

    Done & done!! Hope I win!!

  14. Done and done!! We love Gymboree!! Thank you!

  15. Love this! Ther stuff is seriously the best. I did some shopping there over the weekend. 🙂 following both.

  16. SORO says:

    Liked and followed love Gymboree for my little guys! Perusses@csp.edu

  17. Sabine says:

    Done! I LOVE Gymboree!! ❤ī¸

  18. Tabathia B says:

    Like gymboree on fb michelle barrett and follow them on instagram shelleb40

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  19. Laura Issa says:

    Liked and followed! Loving this new line!!! Can't wait to go back and stock up for both girls!

  20. Sarah says:

    Done 🙂

  21. My FB is Tracie Michelle Cooper and my instagram is @traciemichelle05 and my email is traciemichelle0515@gmail.com

  22. My FB is Tracie Michelle Cooper and my instagram is @traciemichelle05 and my email is traciemichelle0515@gmail.com

  23. Kelly says:

    I have like both! Hope I win!!! We love Gymboree!

  24. San. M. says:

    I liked on both!

  25. Elle says:

    I completed both requirements. We love shopping at Gymboree!
    prettyinhotpink6 at gmail dot com

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