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My Birthday Wishlist || Gifts I’m Loving


July 8, 2016

This July, I am celebrating my 33rd birthday… nope, no shame here, although I did have to ask my mom last week how old I was going to be. Sad, but true, am I losing it?!?!!? They say that happens when you are wise beyond your years… haha, JUST kidding.
You’re never too old to come up with a few things you are wanting and today I’m sharing some goodies I’ve been keeping an eye on for a bit in anticipation of my 12th annual 21st birthday [haha, see what I did there?!?!]!

Anything else I need to be looking at???? Bring on the cake and champs please 😉

  1. #Girlboss is on my book list to read. I listen to her podcast and love it!

    I recently turned 32 and one day while talking to my friend I seriously forgot what age I was! Haha.

  2. Just Jess says:

    I love those earrings from J.Crew! I'm adding them to my wishlist now! Jess at Just Jess

  3. So fun! I'm wearing that Loft dress to work today and loving it!

  4. Love the JCrew earrings!! Thanks for the find:)

  5. I forget how old I am all the time, too! It's the weirdest feeling!

  6. Vanessa says:

    I need that floral pj set!!! And the gingham dress would be so cute on you!

  7. YAY! So exciting – I love birthdays x

  8. Why have a silver spoon when you can have a gold serving set. Love it. Kitchen and barware are my weaknesses for sure.

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