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A Day in the Life || Part Two


August 30, 2016

I’ll be honest, I almost didn’t post this because I forgot… and then I posted last week asking what you guys would like to see and someone reminded me I never posted the second part of this daily look into life. I know, you’re just itching to see those last bits of my day, right?!?!?!

P.S. if you’ve yet to read Part One, you can see that here.

Well, here goes nothing:

1PM -3PM: On most days, this is when I am knee deep in the world of Sugar Bit. This includes working on my invoices, QuickBooks inputs, Excel spreadsheets [budgets, itemized lists, etc], and all of those glamorous business details that I wish I could forget. And yes, I push them off as long as possible until there is a huge pile on my desk and it becomes a must.

This is also my creative time when I seem to get the most done in terms of business strategy, social media, email marketing, etc. I know these background details can seem easy for some, but for me, it takes time and I am constantly thinking of what to do next for Sugar Bit and how I plan to accomplish any given task.

I was just informed that I received a larger booth for this year’s Christmas Village shopping event, so these next few weeks will be brainstorming ideas on holiday inventory and booth display, floor plan for the booth, getting friends and helpers on the schedule for the weekend, and placing my orders for anything else I need before our biggest shopping event of the year.

4PM – 5PM: Today, I’m wrapping up loose ends with the blog, jotting down ideas for future blog features, responding to any emails I have flagged for the day, am folding laundry [oh how I despise this household task], and I am figuring out what we’re having for dinner… tonight it’s something easy and kid-focused since Jeff is out of town for work, so my babies will be elated to know it’s pasta night!!! Messy for their faces, but happy for their bellies!

5PM-6PM: Kara leaves at 5 each day, so that’s when I step back in to talk with the girls about their day… depending on their schedule, they’ve either gone to ballet or soccer, Mother’s Day Out, or had another fun activity, and I LOVE to hear about what they did, how their day was [our favorite high and low point of the day], and just unwind. Tonight, we played our new favorite card game, Go Fish… trying to work on number retention and memory while playing 😉
6:30PM: Most days, this is when we sit down to have dinner together as a family. If Jeff isn’t travelling, we usually eat together and it’s one of my favorite times to sit down, talk about our day, and enjoy some quality time as a family. And yes, there may be a TV on in the background, but we still bless our food, so that’s a win in my parenting book.
Other days, you can catch us riding bikes around the neighborhood, heading to the pool for an evening swim session, or eating popsicles on the front porch! 

7PM-8PM: I’d like to say that bedtime is a non-stressful event in our home, but that would be a big fat lie, so I’ll tell you the truth and say I’m exhausted after putting the girls to bed and it brings me back to the time in life when those post-dinner hours were known as the “witching hours”. It’s like trying to wrangle a monkey in a zoo and it’s easier said than done. Caroline wants to wear a maxi to bed, while Carson wants to wear a princess dress, and usually I don’t put up a fight, because who cares… you’re only a kid once. We then brush our teeth, pause for bathroom breaks, have a little dance party, say our prayers, read a book or two, and then sing songs before nighttime around 8PM each night.

8-10PM: This is the time of day when I am putting away any toys, junk, etc left out after the tornado hit town [i.e. Carson and Caroline] and Jeff ;). This is also when dishes get done, Lulu and Chloe get fed, mommy tackles any outstanding tasks that need to be done [trash taken out, lunches prepped, mail checked, etc] and then I usually try to read in bed before lights out.

  1. Jo says:

    Just the unpacking and repacking of daycare and diaper bags is enough to wear me out after a full day of working! I dread the post kid bedtime tornado pick up- how do so many toys/tiny people clothes/random items end up all the over place day after day?!

  2. "B" says:

    This makes me want to write down a day in the life … but I agree the bedtime hustle and then the pick-up/last minute tasks are so much after a full day. Blessed to have all the things to do, eat, and clean though so there's that:)

  3. Kris M. says:

    Every single night with your girls, right after dinner, you should do a 1st floor "clean sweep"!! Set the microwave for 5 minutes and everyone e has to go around the first floor grabbing all of their belongings are anything that they left out. And the last minute or two they have to put out what they need for the morning…shoes or backpack or any notes for school etc. I have 5 kids (older now) and still do this every night and it helps so much!! It I straightened up in no time. I'm always involved to keep kids on tract but they know after 5 minutes or so I will do my inspection and you can give praises at the end!

  4. Edye Nicole says:

    I love day in the life posts! Sounds like a productive day 🙂

    Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  5. I love reading about other peoples days! The life of a mama and all that we have to get done in a day x

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