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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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What Was I Thinking?!?!?! Round Three

what was i thinking

August 1, 2016

Calling myself out… let’s talk about some interesting/funny/weird things I’ve done in the past… it’s called make fun of Natasha day and I know you love these as much as I do.

ONE || My hair color and length during our first beach family pictures photo shoot… the reverse ombre wasn’t doing me any favors and I swear my hair looks like I belong on Sister Wives! Not my best effort and thank goodness I have gotten that issue corrected. YIKES

TWO || Leona outfits and posing in our old home’s front yard… no, just no. Let’s just say my fashion posts have come a LONG way in the span of a few years. I’m not claiming to be some big fashionista by any means, but it’s better…pretty sure I still had my “post-baby belly pooch” but I was trying to camouflage it. These outfits did me NO favors whatsoever.

THREE || My my my how my decorating tastes have changed. Our former house’s guest room looks like it’s straight out of a Pottery Barn catalog… oh wait, it was! Thank gosh I am willing to take some chances in the design arena now and embrace colors other than what’s basic and normal. No more brown, beige, or cream for me anymore EVER.

FOUR || This Glitter Chevron Holiday Dress. If you think chevron is still in style, think again. Don’t use it, just don’t. For apparel, for accessories, for home decor… just make it stop! I paired mine with black tights, a growing baby bump, and it was just wrong in so many ways. This just proves that we all need to unfollow some “trends” and stick to classic style.

FIVE || Oh the statement necklaces… do you remember these friends?? If I saw one more knockoff of the JCrew necklace, I was going to go insane. If you have any of them in your jewelry stash that resemble anything like those, THROW THEM OUT or donate ASAP.

Anything else I’ve posted you guys want a good laugh at?!?!?! Leave me some constructive criticisms so I can be sure to highlight them the next time… this is just too funny!

  1. Love this post ! LOL I have several statement necklaces, not sure why I keep hanging onto them ???? I just can't part with them yet !

  2. Megan Parker says:

    Love this post. So funny! I 100% agree with chevron. I didn't even like it when it was popular and now it's just sad. LOL..

  3. Haha, these posts always make laugh! Although I really don't think they were THAT bad – and you are keeping up with the changing times x

  4. Tess says:

    Ha! I'm right there with you on being over houses filled with Pottery Barn or Restoration look-a-likes….what is the fun in that?

  5. Annie Malone says:

    I love these posts so much!!! I think i've been blogging long enough now that I need to go back and make fun of myself too 🙂 haha I love it.

  6. love these posts too!! I need to do this soon and LOL for real to the knock off J Crew statement necklaces. Remember when Golden Stella at Atlanta mart had 398734958739485739457 million of them??seriously. miles and miles of those necklaces. Ugh, I could gag now if I see one. You are so right – throw them out. same with chevron. donate. asap. Fun little trends, but they have been run. in. the. ground. GOTS to go!!

  7. Lea says:

    Cute post and I'm so with you on the statement necklaces. They are definitely OVER! I still like Chevron on a few things but it's also about worn out its welcome. Happy new week!

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