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stonekings do disney || outfit planning & all the fun stuff


September 23, 2016

I think this is turning into a little “Disney series” if you will… and I kinda like it. I feel like I need to pay it forward with all the overflowing information I have for the most magical place now so I am hoping these snippets into our Disney vacation may help some of you with upcoming trips, too. 
If you missed the first feature, be sure to read my Disney Planning Tips, Tricks and Advice post. 
Before going any further, I will preface this by saying yes, I went WAY overboard… if you have read my blog for any length of time, you know I go all out when it comes to birthdays, parties, trips, and such, so my motto for Disney was “go big or go home”. Yes we have a ton of loot and goodies packed, but you only live once, right?!?! 
First things first, get them pumped up for the amazingness that’s to come. I know a ton of people that have done the “surprise, get dressed, we’re going to Disney today” thing and I think that is SOOOO cool, but I thought it would be better for us to tell the girls about the trip in advance, so that we could talk it up, get them excited, and the hype would already be there… do your thing, but this has worked well for the girls [ages 3 and 4]. OK, so make a cute little countdown calendar with Disney-themed activities for each day. I can’t take credit for this because Kara the nanny extraordinaire found it on Pinterest, but the girls have SO enjoyed this daily task!

The ever famous Magic Bands… they arrived a month prior to our trip and of course I took to Etsy to find the cutest monogram decals to add a little extra “flair” to our wrists… and yes, mine is gold, because everything is better in gold. The shop is KDB Vinyl Creations and she was fantastic, quick, and easy to work with. 

Custom Autograph Books… these were a must because other friends told me the options available at the park just aren’t as fun, nor are they personalized, so I did some digging and found these books from Second Sister Designs… I was able to personalize them with the specific fonts, colors, and patterns I wanted and ordered the larger size with 50 pages so that we could have room to insert pics from each character meet and greet as well once our trip is over. P.S. I bought the Retractable Sharpies [easier for the characters to use apparently] and am bringing these in large Ziploc bags to avoid any liquid mishaps, too. 

Monogrammed Water Bottles… I opted for the stainless version to help keep the girls drinks cool during the day, and my friend Brooke from For Posh Sake did an amazing job once again… I love the fun color combo of the red and the pink and these are going to be essential to keeping us all hydrated and happy! 

And of course, every little princess needs her own personalized luggage tag! It has their address and contact info on the back in case our suitcases have a mind of their own and they are laminated to protect against wear and tear… these came from Boland Design Paper Company.
Did you know that Disney has designated cast members that are assigned to move strollers while guests are on any given attraction or ride? Apparently it helps the process run a bit more smoothly and so if you can differentiate your stroller from the masses, it makes it easier for you to find your belongings and be on your way to the next destination. I found this sign from Scooter Bug Boutique, which had the cutest options around, and will tie easily to our double stroller.

Of course our little ladies couldn’t go to Disney without their proper Minnie ears… and this mama thought she needed a matching pair, too. I found Mimi’s Mouse House on Etsy and loved them instantly… you can customize colors, patterns for the bows, and monogram them as well! I also love that we won’t have to go searching for these once we get to Florida. 

So many outfits… I thought long and hard and did a ton of research for what to wear and what the weather would look like on our trip. We’re looking at mid-to-high 80’s for most days, so I wanted to make sure the girls would be comfortable, cool, but cute! I worked with Leah from Simply Made with Love on this amazing lineup of pajamas, dresses, and outfits and she knocked it out of the park! 
I was quite particular in terms of design and look and they turned out better than anything I could have imagined. 
Of course you can never have too many outfits for Disney, right?!?!?! I found these tops from Adorable Essentials and Paisley Punkins and ordered them in the summer because I knew they’d be out of stock by September… and then I hopped on Etsy and found coordinating ruffled shorts in stripes and solids from Kate and JakeSO SO cute!!

Let’s face it… this mama got on board with the Disney overload as well and had to have her some Minnie Mouse goodness for the trip, too! I found Toodle Bugs Boutique on Etsy and had her make matching light blue tanks for Mimi and I and then we stumbled upon these burnout graphic tees from Target!

And of course I couldn’t leave out The Home T tanks and tees… be sure if you order these to order at least a month before you leave because their shipping took a bit longer than expected and we did have to do some exchanging due to sizing [they run really small in my opinion]. Pairing these with some of my favorite black gym shorts and tennis shoes and keeping it simple! 

Just one day to go until our magical Mickey vacation begins… thanks for following along this journey with us as we prepare for the girls’ first Disney trip! All of your comments and advice has been extremely helpful!! Cheers to a week away with the best family a gal could ask for. Celebrate we will, for life is short, but sweet. Toodles, friends!

Be sure to follow along for all the fun via Instagram, too.

  1. Stacy Hine says:

    Love your girls outfits….so cute! Just FYI, I have that exact Minnie shirt from Target and wore it to Disney in June. Be sure to wash it a couple times before you wear it. It turned my tank and white shorts pink due to sweat and water rides. Hope you have a great vacation!

  2. Megan Parker says:

    Love love love all this! You're a girl after my own heart with the planning and just the right over the top. 🙂 Can't wait to hear about your trip!

  3. Kelly says:

    Eeeek!!!! So fun and so exciting! Y'all are going to have such a blast and look so perfectly coordinated for all of it! Is Jeff wearing anything festive while y'all are there? 🙂

  4. oh my gosh – I love this post! Your girls are going to have the best time thanks to all of your planning 🙂 Enjoy your trip – you deserve it!

  5. Florence says:

    Love all of it! Your "planning" speaks to me..ha I have been know to pay attention to details also). Have a great trip!

  6. I also love the, "Go big or go home" motto when it comes to kids parties, trips and other memory making activities. I think you got the perfect amount of Disney goodies! Can't wait for your post Disney recaps! 🙂

  7. This is all so exciting!!! Well done mama, thesis going to be the most amazing trip for you and your littles x

  8. Hey! The characters need the "fat" sharpies. You can find them retractable too. The ones wearing big gloves, aka anyone with big ears, can't hold regular pen sized things very well!


  9. So much cute Disney vacation fun!!!

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