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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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five on friday || i didn’t forget!!


October 7, 2016

one. recent target finds

Damn you red bullseye heaven on earth. You get all my money and I cannot seem to make it stop! Just this week, I was perusing the new line of Nate Berkus and of course I just had to bring a few new lovelies home with me… neutrals never looked so good!

two. local nashville fall fun
I’m always on the hunt for fun things to do with the fam on the weekends and sharing ideas with Kara so her and the girls can go on weekly adventures, so this Nashville Fall Fun List is one we use each year so we know what’s going on locally during autumn… definitely one to check out! We are headed to the pumpkin patch this weekend so stock up on all the ghords, a family tradition we LOVE.

three. sugarboo warehouse sale
I so wish I lived in Atlanta this weekend, because I’d be doing the crazy person, Black Friday shopper campout in preparation for the Sugarboo Designs Warehouse Sale going on… and yes, I’d probably tackle someone if they beat me to a piece of their sweetness! I’m thinking I need to plan a little visit down there if and when they do this again!!

four. bloomingdale’s friends and family sale

Like I need a reason to visit Bloomie’s online… but when they mark fall favorites 25% off for their closest friends and family, I’m all in. You can always start your Christmas shopping now! 
Here are a few favs in my cart:

five. i need a vacation from my vacation
I’m complaining… sorry. But geez louise, it’s been a rough week. I’m just thankful the end is in sight and I have made it through [barely]. Hoping I can find some good reality TV reruns, a bottle of champs, and then I should be back to my old self in no time. 

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