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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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gifts worth giving || for the kids


November 21, 2016

It’s time for round three of this year’s Gifts Worth Giving Series!! Missed the first two installments?!?!
Check out my favorite Guy Gifts and Special Ornaments to make sure you’re all caught up.

Alright, back to the issue at hand… the kiddos: the ones that seem to have it all, yet simply “need” more come Christmas. This is when I like to get a bit practical, and gift them things that are great for learning, can wear/grow with/etc, and those little special giftables we can’t wait to see them tear into come December 25th.
I’ve included a ton of Christmas Toys and items below… some that are special keepsakes, some that are great for little tiny tots, and other fun gifts that work well for tweens. Boy AND girl gifts are included and I hope you find a few somethings that make you squeal with delight, too! And since we own many of these gifts, I can attest to their quality, educational aspects, durability to withstand everyday wear and tear, and overall practicality…

Classic ABC Uncle Goose Blocks || Fashion Plates Design Set || Melissa and Doug Wooden Dollhouse || Gold Leather Moccasins || Street Vendor Cart || Magformers Construction Set || Frosted Donut Snow Tube || Jellycat Kitten Tails Book || Garden Play Mark Mat || Hooded Fleece Polka Dot Robe || Tic Tac Toe/Checkers Floor Game || Mini Happy Mat || Gotham City Train Set || I See Me Personalized Books || Mission to Mars Stationery || Sky Blue Ruffle Anywhere Chair || Hoop Shoot Basketball Game || Hunter Gloss Rainboots || Silly String Blaster || Ballerina Tableware Set || Fire Truck Toy || Unicorn Bath Wrap || Nod Kids Bingo Game || The Polar Express Book || Mermaid Personalized Stationery || Bahai Kids Apron || DIY Superhero Cape Kit

I will also be featuring a special gift guide for what’s on Caroline and Carson’s lists so stay tuned for that roundup to come, too! And PLEASE… any other favorites that you’ve found so far this year, be sure to send them my way!!! 
  1. So many great ideas here! Thanks for sharing!! xx

  2. OMG! I love all of these ideas!! Great gift guide lady! 🙂

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