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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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My 2017 Blogging Goals


January 4, 2017

This year, I vow to work smarter, not harder… making the most of each and every workday and **hopefully** having the opportunity to turn things off a bit more during my nights and weekends, so I can put more of a significant focus to family, fun and quality time with my most important peeps when I am not in front of the computer. With that, I stocked up on a few new organizational tools over the holidays to help me reach those goals, so I am back today sharing a few must-haves for making your 2017 something truly special! 

The Sugar Paper Line for Target never ceases to amaze me… budget friendly, stylish, and oh so helpful for total type-A people like me who want to stay in tip top organization mode! I purchased the Weekly AND Monthly varieties, as I use them both… the Monthly Edition for our family calendar [i.e. doctor appts, soccer practice, travel for Jeff and I, etc] and then my Weekly Desktop Version is devoted to all things for Sugar Bit and the blog [for example, upcoming pop-up shops, travel for market, sponsored post due dates, and such].

I also scooped up some Gold Washi Tape Set, Paper Mate Flair Pens to keep everything color-coded, and the Blush Pink Document Holder for storing necessary receipts and loose paper.

Finally, Jeff found this amazing Productivity Planner and had it in this year’s stocking loot… it’s an undated journal for six months worth of planning with a monthly and weekly view, with the perfect space to keep track of must-dos in order of importance, with space for extra notes, and so on. I started using it this week and can already tell a difference… I’m going to make 2017 great!

In terms of other blogging goals, here are a few I’ve highlighted for focus: 
one. Collaborate with Munich Paris Design to make updates to my website design and navigation
two.  Increase interaction with readers as well as other bloggers
three. Focus streamlined content and finding my unique viewpoint
four. More tailored sponsored content, mixing in beauty, fashion, and lifestyle
five. Integrate more videos and how-to’s
six. Post more budget savvy style fashion and outfit styling features

So tell me, what do YOU want to see on Hello Happiness in 2017?!?! I’m all ears for constuctive criticism and help in finding content you WANT to read and engage in… OXOX

  1. Heather says:

    Happy New Year! I truly enjoy your blog. I'm always a fan of day in the life posts, and would also love some content focused on workout ideas and healthy meal planning to kick off the year!

  2. High five to number five on that list!!! Can't wait to learn from the best!

  3. momwithamap says:

    Love it! I'd be interested to hear about how you plan to measure the goals you set. I tried to personally outline some specifics for my blogging goals- but it was hard to know where to set the bar. I want to aim high while still making them realistic and achievable!

    • I definitely want to dive into Google Analytics more, to determine readership, click-through, etc and I want to try to engage more with other blogs as well as my readers… I think setting a specific number of people to read/respond to on a daily basis would help me! And yes, I think sometimes I aim too low because I don't want to disappoint myself, but aim big, you never know what could happen 🙂

  4. Sarah says:

    Great goals!!! My two BIG blogging goals are to make $30K from my blog and to reach 75,000 pageviews per month by December! Part of me thinks those might be low goals, as my year is off to a fantastic start!! But, you never know!! I'd be happy to even come close to those goals!

    Best of luck to you, Natasha!! Happy to be following along!!

    -Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com

  5. Jess Deisher says:

    I'm always looking for posts on blogging goals and how you've kept track of keeping a successful blog. I love reading every day!

    xo, Jess @ Red, White & Sass

  6. Love your tips here! I definitely set a goal to connect with other bloggers, too! xx, I'm Fixin' To

  7. I love your blog! I'm always a big fan of the every day life posts. I love to see how you spend your time and I always love to see your sweet littles!

  8. Mommaof3 says:

    Healthy, but kid-approved, meals!

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