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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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our family’s christmas rewind | 2016 edition


January 9, 2017

I’m late on the Christmas roundup, but I’m starting to have major holiday withdrawal, so I think it’s a perfect time to relive the amazement of everything from our family fun adventures and celebrations this past December… and because let’s face it, this is my family’s scrapbook 😉 

First up, visiting Santa Claus is one of our favorite yearly traditions… Mimi always buys the girls their dressy holiday outfits and then we go see the Jolly St. Nick! We also did quite a lot of baking and decorating… from gingerbread houses to banana bread to iced sugar cookies, we never took a chance to miss out on extra calories and extra sugar.
We had our annual holiday pajama party with friends, the girls participated in their school’s Christmas program [and belted their little hearts out might I add], and we got to spend a weekend of fun with Jeff’s family, taking the kids to King’s Bowl and celebrating Christmas with his side of the family… the kids are at fabulous ages and all get so excited to see each other!
Jeff and I had a couple’s date night out with Mimi and Pap to see the Predators play and we definitely made it a big night, just like old times.
The day before Christmas Eve, Meg called to tell me that the babies would be arriving earlier than expected… so I hustled downtown to meet her and Aaron and we waited patiently for their parents to arrive and then they got her into the operating room for the c-section. Everything went SO well and the twins are absolutely perfect… James Harvey and Anna Parks, oh goodness we love you very much!! It was truly the best early Christmas present!
Christmas Eve morning came and Aunt Alex came over to exchange presents with us and the girls… we sure do love that tradition!! Then Jeff and I headed to the hospital to check-in on the new parents before coming back home to get ready for Christmas Eve Church. I’m pretty sure Carson was entertaining for all seated around us. We then headed to Mere Bulles for take in dinner… finally, we came home to open presents from the grandparents before settling in for a long winter’s nap!
Santa came and dropped off a giant new dollhouse, perfect for two little ladies! We then unwrapped the rest of our goodies before heading to Gran and Papa’s to celebrate with our family and enjoy Christmas dinner together…
The rest of our holiday staycation was mostly spent with just the four of us… heading to the movies to see Sing, ice skating downtown, playing at home with all our new toys, and enjoying some much needed R&R!

CC sure does love her Nanny Kara

We have waited so long for these two babies… I love you SO much and couldn’t be more proud of my bestie
Handmade Christmas gifts from my little artists… my absolute favorite!

The godfather… holding baby Anna for the first time!
My babies in their sweet matching Sugar Bit dresses

A ton of you asked about this dress i wore on Christmas Eve… you can find it here 
Christmas Eve tradition… crackers = toys and games for all!

Mimi and Molly

 Aunt Pattie and the world’s funniest game

 My Lego masterpiece 😉

  1. Jess Deisher says:

    You guys had a very festive Christmas!

  2. Meredith says:

    looks like a great time!! I love this age, it's been so much fun to see Millie get more and more excited. Caroline and Carson look adorable holding those sweet babies!

  3. Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas season! We are really missing Christmas around here too!!

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