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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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A New Year | All About Me, The Girl Behind the Blog


February 1, 2017

It seems like we have a ton of new readers visiting the blog as of late. and with that I want to say WELCOME to my little slice of life and have a brief re-introduction to everything that is Hello Happiness.
The last time I did an official “meet and greet” was back in 2015, so I figured it was time for a major update for all of you, my new and [old] faithful friends…

Why I Blog… 
I created this space in April 2008 as a way to document my life and everything in it. I feel like that was before blogging was “cool” and I did it because I’ve always loved to write as a way of expressing myself. I blog to talk about life, to share details about personal events and occasions, to model some cute clothes every once in awhile, and honestly, as a way to properly bookmark my family and my girls.
I’m not a crafty/DIY gal like so many of you out there so this is my way to share important details about Caroline and Carson so that one day they have a place to read all about their childhood, how I prepared to become a mother, what it was like when I was planning our wedding to their daddy, etc. It may sound cheesy, but it’s something I am proud of and I hope to continue to blog for as long as it stays fun.

OK, More of the Personal Stuff
A quick background for those that may not know:
+ My name is Natasha [named after Natalie Wood, the actress] and my middle name is Carol, after my grandmother
+ Married to Jeff since June 2011
+ Mother to two little ladies… Caroline Cate [March 2012] and Carson Elizabeth [June 2013] (yes, that’s just 15 months apart)
+ Small Business Owner of Sugar Bit, a baby, children and tween shoppe that I launched in 2014
+ Live outside of Nashville in Brentwood, a family-centric suburb that’s a wonderful place to call home and doubt we will ever leave
+ In the process of decorating our home, one room at a time, thanks to the fabulous Kendall Simmons… check out my home office, formal dining room, and Caroline’s room to see the progress
so far
+ We LOVE to travel… from annual trips to Rosemary Beach to Disney to NYC, Scottsdale, Charleston and more, our list keeps growing of all the places we want to visit
+ The other details: southern girl by heart, eternal optimist with a true type-A personality who loves stationery, entertaining and throwing parties, shopping, working out, and cooking in the kitchen
+ Obsessed with dresses, sunglasses, and handbags… accessories girl for sure!
+ Biggest pet peeve: misuse of their/they’re/there and you’re/your… my English teachers would be proud

plaid dupioni skirt | kork ease heels [sold out] | chambray shirt

Fill in the Blank
The Best Advice I’ve Ever Received
Don’t EVER quit… nothing worth having ever comes easy
Favorite Quote
“A girl should be two things…classy and fabulous”
Favorite Vacation Spots
Rosemary Beach/30A, Florida | Antigua | Turks + Caicos | Napa | Charleston
Five Things I Cannot Live Without (excluding family, faith, and God)
Coffee, iPhone, Pizza, Music, and Mascara
Favorite Thing to Cook
Desserts AND Appetizers 
Something Surprising About Me 

I am an adrenaline junkie and LOVE roller coasters! 

Most Trusted Beauty Secret

Clairol Shimmer Lights Shampoo/Conditioner
Drink of Choice 
French 75 [champagne, gin, lemon juice, and simple syrup]

Favorite Song

God Only Knows by The Beach Boys
Women I Admire
My mother and Eleanor Roosevelt
Books on My Bedside Table
Free Time Favorites
I love working out, reading girly fiction, family weekends at the lake, singing loudly, jam/dancing parties with my little ladies, bunco nights, playing bartender with fun cocktail concoctions, date days with my hubby, playing board games, organizing, and shopping for amazingly good deals!

So tell me… what more do you want to know?!?!?! 

++ images via Alli Golden and Morgan Lindsay ++ 

  1. Kelsey Hill says:

    You are so darn cute and I loved getting to know a little bit more about the gal behind the blog! xo

  2. Nataly Schma says:

    I love this post and learning more about you! Such pretty photos too! xo, Nataly

  3. All of your photos are perfect, you are gorg! Love getting to read about you more on a personal level!

    xx, Jamie

  4. Taz + Belly says:

    Love this post, Natasha!!
    p.s. The Sun is Also a Star is SO STINKING GOOD.

  5. Lee Anne says:

    Awe, I love this! Thanks for sharing more about you. And that yellow dress…so gorgeous!

    Lee Anne

  6. MD Kawsar says:

    Hello your post is seriously lovely. I enjoyed your full article.


  7. Camille says:

    This is a great post and I love your style! It's so cute and southern. That Sweet Tennessee dress is the best!


    Camille, a fellow Nashville-based blogger

  8. TiffaniAnn says:

    I LOVED reading all of this!!!! What a great post!!! I know I am guilty of leaving out too many details about myself, but I am starting to realize I need to be more open. This was great inspiration!! And, loved all the outfits…OBVI 😉


  9. Toni :O) says:

    Thanks to you I've fallen in love with the Rosemary Beach/30A area as we vacationed at Inlet Beach two years ago. Beautiful area but darn those jelly fish if they didn't sting my daughter twice! LOL

  10. julia b says:

    We are officially meeting for French 75s in march- my favorite drink too! xo

  11. You are the cutest! So happy to find another TN girl! I'm based out of East Tennessee, but my husband went to Belmont so we frequent Nashville! Brentwood and Franklin are our faves!



  12. April says:

    You look so cute! So nice to get to know more about you! I love your style!

    april | http://thebluehydrangeas.com

  13. So cute, loved learning more about you!

  14. So fun reading all the details about you!! And those pictures are gorgeous!

  15. you are away too cute girl! Such a great idea to do a re-intro for your new readers, love it!
    xoxo, Stefanie / AccordingtoBlaire.com

  16. Jen Mc says:

    It's a pleasure to "meet" you! I look forward to reading more of your blog!
    I am prepping a "reintroduction" post for this weekend on my blog. You have given me a couple ideas to add to it 😉

  17. "B" says:

    A couple of fun me too's " I love Eleanor Roosevelt and wrote several papers on her life throughout my education years" I am also the bartender friend, love baking and cooking apps and dance parties are our jam in the evenings! I have two girls (4 and 2) and now a sweet baby boy to throw in the mix.

  18. bestwallet says:

    These are gorgeous photos!

  19. Alice Kerley says:

    Such fun photos of you!! It's always nice to learn a bit more about the people behind the blogs I read!

    Alice at Lone Star Looking Glass

  20. This was such a great post!! I loved reading all about you 🙂


  21. I love this post! You are so stinking cute! I'm a new reader so this is a fun way of "getting to know you!" Thanks for sharing!


  22. What a fun post! I think my 5 things I couldn't live without would be the same as you!

  23. Oh how I love a good questionnaire! …and learning about you!!! Keep up the fab job momma! xoxo,Hill

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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