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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Caroline’s 5th Birthday Party Inspiration | Time for Tea


February 8, 2017

Ugly cry in process over here at the fact that my little Tuttie, our sweet Caroline, is inching closer to turning FIVE next month… waterworks have hit me a few times already and given the fact that I went to a kindergarten preparation forum a few weeks ago, you have a mama frantically trying to hit the pause button on my baby’s childhood.
However, having said that, growing older and wiser is a good thing [or so I say] and we L*O*V*E to celebrate it in style! This time around, Caroline decided on a tea party… she helped me select the whimsical color palette and floral design and we’re on a roll finding fun and exciting activities so our guests can enjoy their special play party and birthday celebration.
As always, I turned to my stationery and design guru Kate at Orange Valentine Design to craft something custom and truly special for our soon-to-be birthday girl and she executed brilliantly!
Here’s the current inspiration and mood board as captured from my Pinterest account.

We have now turned to all things party-related… menu planning, ordering favors for the guests, party rentals, and whatnot! It’s going to be a happy little tea party, fit for our little princess. More fun to come so stay tuned!!

Interested in more party planning ideas? You can read all of her previous party posts and inspiration here:

ONE | Our Lucky Charm

  1. Annie Malone says:

    So pretty!!!! you throw the most fabulous parties! I love them and all your inspiration 🙂

  2. Sooo cute. Can't wait to see how everything comes together. I loved watching singer Natalien Grant throw her sweet daughter a tea themed party last month. Each of the "guests" wore their favorite dress with hat and gloves. It was sooo cute! Good luck!


  3. I just love this theme for her! And I have always loved your parties…
    How are our baby girls turning FIVE already?? We are having an Art party for our SJ, she is obsessed with painting and arts and crafts x

  4. We did a tea party theme for Elin's 2nd birthday and it has been my favorite theme yet! Love it!

  5. Jillian says:

    aw I love the tea party idea! so sweet. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

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