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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Dear Caroline… You are FIVE


March 17, 2017

Another year has come and gone and it’s as though I’ve blinked and you’re officially a little girl. No more toddler-ness, no more baby-isms and such, but my firstborn is now FIVE years old and I have been a blubbering hot mess as we approached this big day all week.
Sure, you’ve been your calm and collected self, telling anyone and everyone that your birthday was coming up and you couldn’t wait to celebrate… but for now, I’ll put my big girl pants on and savor the pure sweetness that you are, my lucky charm CC.

Oh where to begin: let’s highlights the things that make you YOU:

  • You still love me to rock you at night… we sing songs, pray together, and the stillness that nighttime brings is still one of the best parts of my day
  • You can count to fifteen in Spanish and I can tell you’re itching to learn another language
  • You are graceful and the perfect little ballerina, hand flip and all
  • You sound like an adult when you carry on a conversation
  • Your have an AMAZING fashion sense that is all your own… fur boots + graphic tank + workout shorts = so so chic and this cloth-loving mama couldn’t be more proud than to see you pick out your own outfits most days
  • Rarely will you let me put a hairbow on anymore… we’ve officially moved to all the headbands
  • Why, I’ll never know, but you LOVE to help me with household chores… unloading the dishwasher, helping me make the beds, sweeping the floors. It’s a dream really, but we’ve started a chore chart for you to make money and it’s teaching you the value of earning and I’m so proud.
  • You’re REALLY good at card games and your memory is incredible. Let’s just say I don’t have to let you win when it comes to the Princess Matching Game and Go Fish.
  • Reading books is still a favorite thing we do everyday. I’m trying to instill just how important reading is to you and I hope it’s something you’ll continue to enjoy as you get older, too.
  • You are the best sous chef ever… I love having you help me prepare meals in the kitchen, apron and all. Favorites we’ve been making lately include cookies, banana bread, pasta, and pancakes.
  • It’s your second season of soccer and you’re enjoying even more this time around.
  • Whenever daddy is out of town, you still sleep with me… a tradition I hope never to break, it’s our special little “thing” and it so reminds me of my childhood. I just hope you’ll always want your mama 😉
  • Moving onto favorites, you still love many of the same foods, although you will try new things now, which is fun to see your tastes evolve and change. I’m fairly certain you could live on edamame, pancakes, PB sandwiches, and yogurt smoothies.
  • You had your first trip to Disney this past year and it was just as magical as I hoped… I cannot wait until we can go back again!!
  • You are quite the little mommy and most of the time you enjoy helping your little sister. I’m sure it can be difficult being the oldest sometimes, but you usually don’t mind sharing with Carson.
  • You moved up to a big girl car seat last month and you’ve been most excited about the double cup holders… HAHA
  • I registered you for kindergarten earlier this week and I was the mom who wanted to cry, while all the others were celebrating… you also crushed me telling me you wanted to ride the bus AND buy your lunch when you go to school 🙁
  • You LOVE to sing… in the car, in the bath, heck, whenever we will listen! You’ve got a sass all your own sweet CC
  • Contrary to your sister, you are ALL about having your picture taken and love to strike a pose

We’ve got a JAM packed weekend in store for our princess… brunch and Beauty and the Beast today, followed by dinner out, a special Tea Party celebration tomorrow with friends and family, and plenty of quality time with the girl who changed our world and turned it upside down.

We love you the most Caroline Cate!

  1. ahhh big girl, so precious, and honest! Is it so weird how happy and sad I am about our babies just not being babies anymore.

  2. Meredith says:

    So precious, Happy 5th Birthday, Caroline!!! We have kindergarten registration next week, Millie is excited and me not so much. How are our babies this old? Enjoy the birthday festives.

  3. Jillian says:

    so sweet! happy birthday Caroline! time goes by too fast mama! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  4. Unknown says:

    What a sweet girl – Happy Birthday Caroline!!! It is SO apparent how much your momma loves you!!!

  5. Happy Birthday to your sweet Caroline! What a doll!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  6. Sylwia Pysz says:

    Hi, Happy Happy Birthday to Caroline!
    so much happiness ………..

  7. FIVE already?! It is so crazy – can't believe how our girls have grown!! Happy birthday sweet CC x

  8. Aw happy birthday to Caroline!! What a cutie!

    <3 Shannon 
    Upbeat Soles

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