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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Did Someone Say ProYo… Ice Cream Season is Here!


May 22, 2017

Summertime is OFFICIALLY here and with that comes a non-stop parade of ice cream at our house… let’s face it, we are aficionados when it comes to anything ice cream and we are proud of it!

Today I’m sharing the details about a new line of high protein, low fat ice cream called ProYo!
Want some details?? It’s a high-protein blend that combines powerful nutrition, delicious taste, clean ingredients and a touch of delight.

It’s food with a purpose that you don’t have to feel guilty about…
10g of protein/serving | low-fat | good source of fiber | low glycemic | no artificial ingredients | soy and gluten-free
I grabbed a few ProYo High Protein Low Fat Ice Cream flavors at our local Kroger store and early favorites for us are the Mint Chip, Dutch Chocolate and Vanilla Bean. Other options available include Coconut, Dark Chocolate Toffee and Blueberry Pomegranate.

Here’s a few ways to enjoy the goodness of ProYo High Protein Low Fat Ice Cream:
ONE. Post-Workout Smoothies: when I want to indulge, but still ensure I’m getting my daily protein needs, I plan on throwing the Vanilla Bean into my fruit and veggie smoothies for a quick, protein add-in that helps nourish my body and muscles!
TWO. Strawberry Shortcake Time: friends coming over for dinner and you’re not prepared?? Assemble mini strawberry shortcakes in mason jars and top with ProYo High Protein Low Fat Ice Cream for a guitless dessert everyone will enjoy.
THREE. Kids Ice Cream Sundaes: because who doesn’t love mixing ice cream and sprinkles in the summertime for a treat that’s truly cool! As seen below, everyone will LOVE these homemade goodies without feeling like you’re feeding them straight sugar.

Looking for ProYo High Protein Low Fat Ice Cream near you?? They are available nationwide at Kroger and other banner stores and you can use this store locator to find one near you. 

AND take advantage of this online coupon: Buy 1 ProYo High Protein Low Fat Ice Cream and Get 1 Free [Now Through 7/7, While Supplies Last]

Disclosure: “This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and ProYo, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #ProYoHighProteinIceCream http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV

    1. Stang&Co says:

      This stuff sounds awesome. And I am dying to know-WHERE did you get those precious ice cream bowls and spoons?!

    2. MMMMMM, this sounds so amazing!! I need to try this!

    3. Lily A. says:

      Yum! I love ice cream, so any healthier alternatives are always a win!
      Love your little bowls…so cute!
      xo, Lily | http://www.beautywithlily.com

    4. Such a good idea to put it in a smoothie! Gonna have to look for this the next time I'm in Kroger.

    5. Omg I want to try this! I absolutely LOVE anything ice cream-related… so delicious!

    6. Maggie says:

      Yum this looks so so good! I've got to try it!


    7. My husband is an ice cream connosseuir too and we'll definitely have to check this out!!

      xo, Kristina

    8. I really want to try these! It's so rare to find soy-free ice creams that are good for you, and with a soy allergy I have to be so careful. These sounds delicious and so great!

      Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

    9. Kelsey Hill says:

      I have never tired this ice cream! I've been eating Halo Top which I love! How does this compare??

    10. Anna E. Fox says:

      This sounds delish! I totally need to try a few flavors.

    11. Omg, running out tomorrow to get some! You're little model is just too cute too!


    12. Annie Lail says:

      This is adorable! I want to try this asap!

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