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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Carson’s 4th Birthday | Beauty and the Beast Party Recap

Family + Kids

June 21, 2017

Another party down in the books… yippee!! I first brought the party inspiration to you a few months ago with this post and I’m happy to report back that the party was a smashing success. Here is a little recap of Carson’s Beauty and the Beast soiree.
First up, we hired Party Belles of Nashville again to come steal the show and Belle didn’t disappoint. Between singing songs with our birthday girl, reading a few stories to the kids, AND doing custom face painting for all the party animals, it was perfection. We rented out a party room at a local kids indoor playhouse called Monkey’s Treehouse… great in that it was inside since June can be tricky in the weather department and our guests loved getting to play all morning. But I will also add that we didn’t have the best experience in customer service from their staff and sadly I won’t be recommending others having parties there.
P.S. this mama didn’t get a chance to take any “real” images with my DSLR, so iPhone pics will have to do. At the end of the day, my baby girl had a BALL and that is what’s absolutely most important!!

The YUMMY, fabulous, and oh so beautiful cake from Copper Whisk Cakes… Lizzie did an AMAZING job on this tiered wonder and my girl Kate from Orange Valentine designed all the day-of party paper goods as always!

 The party princess, all decked out in her NEW Belle Dress | Yellow Tiered Top

 The world’s best favors/cookies… brought to you by Summer’s Sweet Shoppe

 Chalkboard Art via my friend Sarah of Lovely Little Designs

  1. The cutest little Belle – and I love the chalkboard art x

  2. Maggie says:

    You could have a party planning business – so cute!!

  3. alan morris says:

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  4. alan morris says:

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  5. Mary Leigh says:

    So cute! It looks adorable and like everyone had a great time!

  6. Everything looks adorable! Those cookies are SO cute!

  7. Layercake says:

    You always throw such fun and beautiful parties for your girls ! Love it !

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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