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Five Things | Loads of Laundry… All Your Advice


October 2, 2017

So a few weeks ago I solicited your laundry advice via Instagram… just one more reason I LOVE IG stories so much!! I can ask YOU questions and poof–the answers come straight to my inbox. I can’t say thank you enough to everyone that responded, but I thought this would be a great opportunity to roll your ideas, tips  and advice into one big blog post… maybe you can learn a trick or two from all of you laundry fairies out there like I did!



ONE | Do It Daily… Smaller Loads = Less Work
Overwhelmingly, this was the method most of you swear by… and yes, I was shocked! Moms with especially big families [3+ kids] recommended this as their most practical option to keep their laundry on an organized schedule without it getting the best of you. I would think it would make MORE work, but you reassured me that you get into a routine and the smaller loads take little to no time to fold and put away. I might be testing this out soon. I also heard this tip a few times: do a load a day BUT don’t start a new one until the last is folded and put away.

TWO | Categorize by Days
OK, as a person who loves planning, etc.. this seems like a genius idea. Each weekday gets its own “category” of laundry, therefore you know when said items are next in line. This is just a sample outline someone sent me, which I really like:
Mondays = socks and underwear
Tuesdays = kids clothes
Wednesday = towels and linens
Thursday = your clothes
Friday = husbands clothes

THREE | Get the Kids Involved
I’m working on revamping our chore charts and I think this is going to get integrated ASAP. I know children [and husbands perhaps too] assume a magic laundry fairy comes and washes, dries, folds, and puts away their laundry, but let’s make it a game like Mary Poppins and get everyone to play along. Another IG friend said they have their kids sort whites vs. colors, put away their piles once folded, etc.

FOUR | Use a Color Catcher
Apparently Emily Ley is a wonder woman when it comes to laundry do’s and don’ts [you can read her laundry advice here]. A few of you mentioned skipping separating your clothes and invest in Shout Color Catcher Sheets so you can wash them all together = hallelujah this is definitely going to be happening in the Stoneking home like ummmm NOW.

FIVE | Separate Hampers
You get a hamper, you get a hamper… you get the jist. Every person in your family gets their own hamper–you drop off their hampers at their bedroom once the laundry cycle is complete and they are responsible for putting it all away! Maybe to get you excited about this you could purchase some new hampers?!?!

Aqua Poppin Laundry Hamper | Grey Montauk HamperOrange and Pink Canvas Bin
Harvest Hamper with Wheels | Striped Collapsible Basket

Let’s face it… it’s not rocket science, but if there are bits of guidance we can share with one another, small changes add up to big results — especially in terms of time and for this work-from-home mama, I need all the extra help I can get! Now onto the good stuff… the ways to keep your laundry essentials organized. I’ve rounded up a handful of my personal favorites to help you tackle the tough stuff and keep your laundry room looking good!

Accordian Drying Rack | Folding Boards for Clothes | White Micro Mesh Wash Bags
 Joy My Little Steamer | Wool Dryer BagsThe Laundress Stain Brush

  1. Meredith says:

    Yay, I’ve been waiting for this post. Yes, my sister swears it makes less if I do one load a day, I just didn’t believe it. Maybe she is right? {gasp} Now, can you find the folding and putting up fairy to come help me. 😉

  2. Catherine says:

    My advice is to do laundry by person except whites because they need to be separated. I discovered it is easier to take the laundry basket to one room versus 4 room to put it away. I just take the basket to the room then hang and fold right out of the basket. It saves me so much time.

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