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five things | survival tips during thanksgiving


November 20, 2017

It’s FINALLY here… an entire week of school-free vacation with my babies and we are jet-setting off to Hilton Head Island tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with Jeff’s family. The girls are super pumped to see their cousins, do a little bit of sun and sand, introduce them to the goodness that is the Salty Dog Cafe and of course, BLACK FRIDAY shopping, too [because no trip to HHI is complete without a stop to our favorite shopping destination].

Are you traveling, too?? Let’s all say prayers for safe to and from and loads of strength and sanity as it’s the busiest week for families to visit their loved ones and I know we’ll all need a lot of patience [and maybe a cocktail or two] to make it through.

So here are five things worth mentioning this week, all geared towards not just surviving, but thriving during this fun-and-food-filled celebration:

ONE. Dress for Comfort
Give me all the athleisure wear I can take this week… I need to be comfortable for travel! Pack me a few pairs of leggings, a comfy oversized sweater that wears well, slip on shoes and call it a day. I need my game face on for shopping, cooking and making the most of my turkey week filled with  LOT of much needed R&R. Here are a few looks coming with me to Hilton Head:

Sundry Leopard Drapey Hoodie | Faux Leather Leggings | Bow Slip On Sneakers [three colors and just $39] | Ebony and Ivory Horn Necklace | Quay Needing Fame Sunglasses

Textured Gray Sweater [under $50 find] | High Rise Camo Leggings [just $44] | Cozette Slip On Gray Sneakers [40% off right now, too] | Zoey Mirrored Sunglasses | Horn Pendant Necklace

TWO. The Essential Travel Tips

  • If you’re flying, check in early… trust me, it’ll save you time and you’ll be thankful for the few extra minutes or more once you get to the airport. Also be sure to check the weather, not only at your departure city, but your arrival city, too so you know what to pack!
  • In case your luggage gets lost, I ALWAYS carry a few essentials in my carry-on bag so that way I’m not completely screwed if my suitcase gets misplaced. What does my “just in case” bag consist of? Extra undies, a pair of socks, travel toothbrush/paste, a few snacks, and travel-sized toiletries.
  • Another big thing I’ve learned throughout the years is to wear your bulky layers on your travel day… that way you can save all of that space in your luggage for other necessities. Rule of thumb: ALWAYS wear your big/tall/thick boots!!
  • Don’t forget to bring your chargers… it’s one of those things I always seem to forget and then I’m left having to borrow or buy a replacement and who wants to waste $$$ on that. P.S. I’ve learned my lesson and now have two of these mobile chargers [under $20 and a great gift for everyone] = lifesaver!!!
  • If all else fails, grab some of these and call it a day.

 Knit Eye Mask | Nylon Dot Pouch |  Rose Gold Luggage Set1, 2, 3 Luggage Tag Set |
Go Clean Pink Bag Set |  Hair Tool Travel BagTravel Toiletry Pouch

THREE . Check Out All the Sales
It’s the Superbowl of shopping [yes I stole that quote from my dad] but it’s SO true. This is my Olympic hobby and I think it’s one I could totally dominate if they chose to make it a medal-contending sport… P.S. please tell me you watched Supermarket Sweep or Shop Til You Drop growing up?!?!?! My best advice: do your homework friends — a few of my favorite retailers are already offering their Black Friday promos NOW so be sure to check out sales so you won’t stress yourself out Friday:

Target | If you’re a Red Card holder, you can shop Black Friday deals this Wednesday… hop online early in the AM as they’ll be releasing more than 100 deals so make sure your alarm is set to shop!

JCrew Factory | They’ve already released a handful of their Black Friday Preview deals, including everyone’s favorite Women’s Puffer Vests for just $34/44 and these men’s Plaid Flannel Shirts are on sale for $19 each. And now the entire store is 50% Off so grab your favorites ASAP – don’t forget my brightly colored City Coat, Gingham Button Down [now just $28] and Ruffle Shoulder Sweater.

Amazon | The Cyber Week deals on Amazon have already begun! Britax Car Seats, Memory Foam Pillows, and more… check out their website daily so you don’t miss the best in sales. 

Colleen Rothschild Beauty | 30% off sitewide this week with code BFRI30! Favorites include their Extreme Recovery Cream [I use this nightly], Nourishing Body Lotion, Age Renewal Super Serum, and this Retinol Treatment Complex [bye bye fine lines].

Nordstrom | One of my favorite online destinations has up to 40% off select styles right now… why wait to save when you can knock out a bit of your personal shopping [and gift giving items] today?!?! Check out these Hunter High Gloss Red Boots, Rebecca Minkoff Wine Leather Crossbody, Socialite Ruffle Sweater Dress, and Vince Camuto Bubble Sleeve Sweater.

FOUR. Do the Turkey Trot
One great thing about traveling for Thanksgiving?? Publix offers Holiday Meals that you can order online and pick-up in the store… I’m not going to lie, I will miss my favorite Sweet Potato Casserole that I usually make each year, BUT I love the fact that we won’t be cooking while we’re on vacation = winning!

In other news, I’m not going to lie… I don’t “diet” or count the calories on Thanksgiving. It’s one of those days I totally let myself eat what I want and don’t feel guilty about the comfort food. Having said that, here are a few tips and tricks that can help combat those extra pounds that suddenly appear during the holidays:

a. Sign up to do a local 5K race the morning of Thanksgiving. You can find these online and the extra exercise will totally get you up and going and will help burn off the excess so you can reward yourself with some of the yummy dishes you’ve been craving all year!

b. Lighten up your recipes. There are a ton of ways to shave off the extra calories when you’re cooking… use less salt/oil/butter, use low sodium/low sugar ingredients, etc. It’s really hard to tell the difference once the ingredients are assembled into dishes so do your best to make it healthier!

c. Portion control. Yeah, I struggle with this one and I bet I’m not the only one. Instead of filling your plate up, grab one serving size of the food you want. Don’t waste calories on food you can have anytime… splurge on the seasonal items that you are itching to have instead!!

d. Keep hydrated. And no, I’m not referring to the wine… although yes, I’ll be having some of that as well. I’m talking high quality H2O. Make sure you’re drinking 1/2 of your weight in water and then have a few extra glasses for good measure so you don’t look puffy and feel so bloated after that food coma.

FIVE. My Favorite Fall Cocktail
It’s time to sit back and enjoy a few days of R&R. Don’t sweat the small stuff, but if you’re looking for something to ease your worries, my favorite fall cocktail can most certainly help. It’s OH so easy to assemble, with equal parts of all three ingredients, and it’s not too sweet so the guys will definitely love it, too.

  • 2 ounces Jack Daniel’s Winter Jack Cider [stock up on your supply because it sells out quickly]
  • 2 ounce fresh apple cider
  • 3-4 ounces chilled champagne
  • Pour Winter Jack Cider into bottom of glass, add champagne and top with apple cider… see, I told you it was easy! Makes a great holiday event punch for you hostesses who want to wow the crowd.




I also wanted to go ahead and take this opportunity to wish you an early Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you! I am grateful that even after nine years, you continue to read/comment/interact and show this little space of mine so much love. It’s been one crazy, hectic year and I am very thankful for all of the opportunities that have come my way. Cheers to you and yours OXOX

First of all, I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you… I am grateful that even after eight years, you continue to read, comment, interact, and show this little space of mine so much love. It’s been an amazing year filled with many exciting events, occasions, and travels, and I am grateful for all of the opportunities blogging has brought my way.

  1. Danielle says:

    It’s our year to travel to see my husband’s family and I am dreadddding the long trip! So appreciate these tips love!

    xx, Danielle | Pineapple & Prosecco

  2. I love exercising the day of Thanksgiving, it always makes me want to eat better that day! I love that rose gold suitcase, it’s so pretty!

  3. Jessica says:

    I am ALL about dressing comfortably for Thanksgiving. You need room for your belly to expand post turkey!
    xo Jessica

  4. Kate says:

    Such good tips! And that fall cocktail sounds delish!

  5. Stephanie says:

    This post was so chalked full of great info for the upcoming holiday! Thanksgiving is definitely a favorite of mine. The food is so delicious and the gathering of friends and family is so precious. I hope you have safe travels and a fun time shopping!

  6. Amanda Kruse says:

    I love dressing comfy bu cute for Thanksgiving! I love those camo leggings!

    Amanda || http://www.fortheloveofglitter.com

  7. Belle says:

    These are such great tips! And I agree with all of them!

    Belle | One Awesome Momma

  8. Laura Leigh says:

    Love this post! So much fun gal!!! Definitely some great tips.

    xo Laura Leigh

  9. Lauryn says:

    Oh my goodness that cocktail looks delicious!

  10. Hannah says:

    I will 100% be working out the morning of thanksgiving haha just so I don’t feel super guilty for eating so much!

    xoxo, Hannah

  11. Margret says:

    This is so awesome girl, Thanks or the tops!

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