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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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the hello happiness holiday gift guide | baby, kids and tweens


December 6, 2017

The party is just getting started!!!! I know it’s been a whirlwind of shopping adventures for most of you out there… and thanks so much for letting me be a small part of your Christmas festivity, as well. Today, we’re back to business for all things holiday gift giving and this time I am answering some of your prayers as a ton of you have asked for Baby, Kid + Tween Shopping Guide. A roundup of the latest and greatest, with special selections for each of the little ones you love most can be found below:

SO many favorites… for the little lady gifts, they absolutely NEED a rocking horse [or unicorn in this instance], as well as crocheted swan booties = hey, you only live once!!! For the lads, their very own first sports bag would be ideal for indoor winter play and I’d love to have one of those Buffalo Check Beanbag chairs in my size.

As for the older ones, look for the Crosley Record Player, Pink Art Folio to store their treasured masterpieces and a sweet polka dot jewelry roll for tweens!

1: Robot Backpack  2:  Frog Wubbanub  3: Crocheted Booties  4:  Personalized Stroller Blanket

5:  3-Pack Knotted Headband Set  6: Crosley Portable Turntable  7: Coco Chanel Book  8: Carry Home Dollhouse

9: Enchanted Castle Bank  10:  Buffalo Check Bean Bag  11:  Jewelry Roll Up Case  12: Freshly Picked Classic Moccasins

13: Fur Unicorn Rocker  14: My First Sports Bag Play Set  15: Bashful Puppy Jellycat 16:  Harbor Art Folio





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