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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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All About the Active | January 2018 Fitness


January 8, 2018

We’re all in this crazy thing called life together SO I am publishing my fitness goals in the efforts to keep myself WAY more accountable than last year. A few fitness-and-food related confessions if you will:

  • I worked on less than 5 times from October to December 2017 = SO SO bad
  • I got off my normal eating habits and definitely indulged more in sweets, alcohol, and carbs
  • I totally “forgot” to meal plan and that extra few pounds on the booty shows it
  • My whole life was out of whack and completely off balance… let’s face it, I failed MAJORLY in the food and fitness department for the later part of the year

January 1st was my first day back in the gym and I can’t lie = it HURT. My body is less toned, a little more flabby and I had a hard time finishing my 45 minute workout, which just showed how far I’ve set myself back. BUT on the positive side, it’s something that I can tackle with a bit of motivation and hard work and I am going to keep myself on track. This lady turns 35 THIS summer and if I am being honest, I want to look good AND feel good when we celebrate!

Like everyone, we start off doing well when the new year rolls in… we eat well, we exercise, etc, etc. Then life happens and these things get pushed to the backburner. Well not this time! I’m being practical about my fitness/food goals and setting small aspirations so that I can keep working towards something bigger:

  1. Workout at Least THREE Times a Week
  2. Drink More Water [t least 100 ounces a day]
  3. Cut Out the Unnecessary Carbs and Sugars

My friend Natalie wrote a great post the other day about her workouts and I love the idea that if you make it a priority and schedule out your workouts, your WAY more likely to make it happen. So I’m setting appointments on my calendar to get me up and moving and to keep myself motivated to achieve it.

black and gold tank [only $15] | salutation capri | nike relentless | bose earphones | loopy case [use code HAPPY10 for $10 off your iPhone case] | popsocket

criss cross sweatshirt [ so good i have it in three colors | striped capris | tulip tank | nike flex

I’ve tried different workout regimens, including BBG/Sweat with Kayla which I REALLY like, but for me it’s all about changing up your workouts and trying to incorporate cardio, strength training, stretching and potentially a class each week… that way I don’t get bored and burned out from the same thing over and over again and it keeps things fun! I’m hoping to make the loop and visit some of my former workout centers/classes here in Nashville, including Neighborhood Barre, Hot Box, Studio Novo, and CycleBar.

I promise to keep you guys informed as to what I am doing and I hope to publish my individual workouts to help YOU out, too. You’re always messaging me and asking for more fitness so I am going to make it happen and hopefully get you on track as well… it takes a village, am I right?!?! I posted this workout via IG stories last week and had so many DMs saying how much you loved it so I will be posting various workouts for you to screenshot and save, too.

Just remember, it’s quality NOT quantity. Even if you can only make it to the gym for 30 minutes, make that half an hour worth it and work hard to tackle your goals for the day. That 30 minutes can really work wonders for your mind, body and soul.

And let’s face it… we all know we work out HARDER when we look good, so do yourself a favor like I did last week and go scoop up a few new outfits for the gym. You’ll be glad you did! Here’s a few ensemble options to get you in the shopping spirit:

Z by Zella | Budget Friendly, Well Made, Great Fabric + Design

Pink Pullover | Tie Game Midi Leggings | Win It Strappy TankWell Played Midi Print Pants | One on One Pullover

Athleta | My Favorite Brand + Great Silhouettes that Flatter

Essence Twist Long Sleeve | Transcendence Bra | Essence Tie Back Tank | High Rise TightMesh Chi Tank | Up for Anything Capri

More Active Amazingness

Seamless Bralette | Flyknit ShoesOlympus LeggingsCold Shoulder Top | Nike Tanjun RacerBetter Sweater Zip Pullover | Ritual Tank | Juvenate ShoesRunning Hoodie | Snap Pullover | Nike Flex RN


Want to see more fitness content?? Feel free to let me know what you’re looking for… workouts, what to eat, music play lists, favorite moves–I’m ready to help YOU AND I have the best year yet!

  1. Rebecca says:

    If you are looking to try a new class, you should look into trying Franklin Jazzercise! It sounds so corny but seriously it’s so amazing. In an hour it does high intensity interval cardio and strength training with elements of kick boxing, barre, Pilates, and yoga. I’m not sure how close to Franklin you are, but to switch things up you might like it! I’m not selling or anything, haha, just a suggestion for something new! They have one in Green Hills also. It’s a calorie scorcher!

  2. Sarah says:

    Love this! We ARE all in this together. Come see us at CycleBar Franklin this year!

  3. Lauren says:

    Do you use the weight machines at the gym? Any tips on how to begin to use them if you are a newbie? They are always so intimidating to me!

  4. Gmail QA says:

    I also want to be healthier this year. Thank you for sharing the workout plan.

  5. Caley says:

    YAY!!! This is one of my goals – to be a healthier and fitter me!
    I would love for you to share your workouts, meal plans, recipes etc x

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