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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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One Day Weekly Juicery Cleanse


February 13, 2018

Tuesday’s topic this week is all things related to food and nutrition! A few weeks ago, I tried my very first Weekly Juicery cleanse and I am here to tell you ALL about it… but I did want to let you know that this post isn’t sponsored in any way–this is my honest feedback and what I thought of this inaugural dip into the juicing pond!

Weekly Juicery Cleanse review featured by top US lifestyle blog, Hello! Happiness

First up, let’s talk about The Weekly Juicery… I first learned about it from my blogging friend Beth at Seersucker + Saddles a few months ago and was instantly intrigued. Well, then life got in the way and this gal got sidetracked with all things health and fitness for the latter part of the year BUT when the new year hit, it was time to jumpstart my journey again and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to give this one-day juice cleanse a try!

So, what exactly is this one day Weekly Juicery Cleanse?

It’s a way to hit reverse on your unhealthy habits and say goodbye to poor eating choices [because we are all guilty, correct?!?!] It’s all about DIGESTIVE REST… AKA intermittent fasting, which creates a natural time for your body to heal and restore.

Plus, it’s only ONE DAY so it’s not like you’re giving up actual food for some crazy 3 to 5 day cleanse, which was another reason I was able to get on board.

For next year, I want to FEEL GOOD + LOOK GOOD + DO GOOD… this Juice Ritual helps me achieve all of those goals! I’m chasing better habits… for my overall health and wellness and so I can share with others, too. It’s a healthy practice of committing to one-day of digestive health each month… and I love that with your cleanse you get access to their private Facebook group so you can engage, get feedback, talk through your days, etc.

So, what does the Juice Ritual consist of?? Six, organic vegetable juices that pack your body full of the necessary nutrients we may otherwise be missing out on… these were the goodies they sent for January’s cleanse:

Weekly Juicery Cleanse review featured by top US lifestyle blog, Hello! Happiness

These were the flavors for my One Day Weekly Juicery Cleanse [listed from left to right] and my specific feedback for each:

ONE. Inflammation Tonic | organic raw coconut water + alkaline water + organic orange + organic lemon + blue majik… refreshing and crisp, easy to drink and one of my favorites!!

TWO. Cool Kale Energy | cucumber + kale + beets + lemon + ginger… great for waking up, energizing with sweet taste and really liked this one for a mid-morning juice

THREELively Lemon | alkaline water, organic lemon, cayenne pepper… zingy sensation, very sweet and refreshing, almost like lemonade but a little sweeter!

FOUR. Immortality Elixir | purple cabbage + coconut water + apple + lemon + immortals (reishi, ormus, shilajit) + shizandra… I’ll be honest, this was the one juice I really didn’t care for. It was bitter and all night all I could taste was the cabbage so I’d probably not save this one for my “dinnertime” juice if it comes in the next round

FIVE. Green Lemonade  | romaine + cucumber + kale + lemon + ginger — tasted like your traditional green juice, but the lemon and ginger made it a little fresher and not as bitter to me

SIXA Nutty Date | almonds, dates, vanilla and cinnamon… hands down this was my favorite juice I have ever had!!!! don’t let the color full you because it tasted almost like a dessert–I would drink this all day every day!

Weekly Juicery Cleanse review featured by top US lifestyle blog, Hello! Happiness

Ready to give it a go??? March 1st is go time, our next Juice Ritual so you’ve got time to order and get yourself ready! With your purchase, you also get the following:

+ Six 16 oz. USDA certified organic fresh juices
+ Insulated tote bag with reusable ice packs [perfect for us people on the go!!] + Free Shipping
+ Private Facebook Group

Just be sure to sign-up and submit your order by Sunday, February 25th at 8:00 pm EST so you can join in, too!

For additional info and FAQ, check out their website here.

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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